Yesterday’s work session began with me updating the raw text version of this Diary of …that will be coming out after it’s all over.
I added yesterday morning’s post, and formatted it, and then I wrote ten exercises for “pre-work” and ten exercises for “week 1”. As the weeks progress, I’ll be adding more exercises not previously seen on here. I need to write the introduction too.
The other thing I did was go in and be more specific about the topic of the book as it will be out after mine has been delivered and (hopefully) accepted. If I do it now, as I go along, then it shouldn’t be such a long job and, hopefully, it’s less likely any will be missed.
I also added three appendices. And for illustration, I also went in and added appendices to my Scrivener binder. The book I’m currently writing probably won’t have appendices, so I’ll need to take those index cards out again (colour-coded teal for “bumf”, remember).
Then I moved on to the book I’m writing, but there’s not a lot to report there today as it was just reading work – reading one of the books I bought for research. Well, it is a “research week” still this week, and for the next thirteen weeks as well, at least.
The company archivist has come back to me and they can accommodate me for three of my four suggested Wednesdays, starting next week. If I need more time, I can always arrange it.
The rest of the day was the client-edit.
Short and sweet today!