Good start, Cosmos

My new book, due out on 30 November.

Yesterday, I had a quick word with the Cosmos. Yesterday evening, this ( ←) popped up on Amazon.

Yes, it’s my book on the history of Cadbury. The one I’ve been working on for the past year. No, it’s not published yet, but it is on pre-order, due out on 30 November.

That was a lovely surprise, and a very nice start. But do please keep it up, Cosmos. Thank you!

I managed some catching up yesterday too. I wrote two blog posts, including a book review for NetGalley. And then I did some more reading.

By the end of today, there should be a 52 books in 52 weeks review as well …

The other thing I did yesterday was titivate the sidebar on the blog – did you notice? (Mobile and tablet viewers, it will show at the bottom of all of the front-page posts.) I added images with links of my published, future and currently available book covers, including one work in progress, and I removed most of the word-count meters.

I also removed the “featured images” from the main page as I thought they looked a bit messy, as they weren’t of uniform shapes and sizes (OCD alert), and with all of the new pictures in the side-bar, I thought that was enough.

I’ll keep the “featured images” while I do the sharing, but then I’ll remove them again, although they will still appear within the body of the blog post.

Today, then, I have those electronic edits to complete for lovely already client and an invoice to raise, and I have that book to finish reading and a review to write and post.

What do you think of the new look? Do you prefer the featured images? Had you even noticed them?