Friday 9 August 2019

I’m so glad I scheduled yesterday’s post the evening before! What a disaster yesterday turned out to be.

The BT engineer had said that they wouldn’t need to call at the house to try and repair the internet, but at 9:15am, there he was anyway, wanting to do a line test.

AND he switched the internet off. For two hours.

He was crawling all over the house and his mate was in a cherry-picker up the road scaling telegraph poles and replacing overhead wires. The BT engineer did say they’d bring some tree-loppers too, in case the oak tree in our front garden was interfering with the cables. But the tree is still intact.

They left at 11:30am, leaving behind a repaired and much faster internet. But I couldn’t really settle to anything while there were here. And by the time they left I needed to have a shower and get ready to go out for my meeting in town for Dad’s estate finances.

I grabbed a cake slice on my way out and arrived early, but was told they didn’t actually do the product I was looking for, despite assuring me on the phone that they did. (Yeah, like I have time to waste …)

As that meeting finished early, I was able to pop into my own bank to see if they had the product I was looking for. They’d told me on the phone that they don’t do it any more, but I’d since found out that they all say that because it’s not a product that earns them anything. And if I have an account with them, then they probably will.

My sister has an account with them as well. So, armed with this new information, I wandered in, asked the question, and discovered that they do indeed offer the exact product I want, along with the exact conditions that my sister and I want. (It’s a trust account that requires joint signatures.)

Now I have to get some final paperwork from the solicitor and we can go ahead and open that account. So the day wasn’t entirely wasted.

By the time I got home, it was quite late, and I really wasn’t in the mood for starting anything.  I was also starving hungry, so I had some toast. The only work-like thing I managed to do all day was read the latest NetGalley book for review. But at least I got a big chunk out of the way.

This morning, I wanted to finish that and do the review. I’d applied for three more books yesterday from a publisher that doesn’t usually grant them to me, and this time they granted all three. But I still have quite a few that are way past their review date that I want to clear from my list.

I finished the book and wrote the review, and this afternoon I’m editing. I also did my weekly computer backup, and I made sure the new Scrivener Save the Cat file for The Fool is on the memory stick so I can work on that on the notebook/switch today and at the weekend.

We actually have the weekend off this week. We need to get into the garden, but that depends on the weather. If it’s too gloomy, I may get more reading and writing done.

Have a great weekend.