Friday was a good day, even if I didn’t manage everything I wanted to do.
I did a NetGalley book review and posted it to here, to Amazon, to Twitter and to NetGalley, and I started the next book … and wow! I feel as though I’m reading a fast-moving thriller movie along the lines of John Wick. I’m loving it.
I also managed a writing diary update on here.
But that was about all the writing work I got through. The rest of the day was spent editing the latest client book. I’ve not even started the proofreading job yet, and I know I have another editing job once I’ve delivered this one.
On Saturday we did the shopping and ended up going out on an impulse to see some friends of ours in their band. We were only going to stay for the first half, but we were enjoying ourselves so much, and we were joined by more friends, that we stayed until the end.
That meant a late night and a lie in, when we really wanted to be up and at ’em quite early Sunday morning. I think we made it by 11am …
We didn’t get the weather we wanted to do the garden at the weekend. Instead, we had to repair more storm damage to the chicken run. The tarpaulins had to be re-secured to the frame of the chicken run, and then the poet strimmed down a load of weeds that had shot up.
I topped up all of the bird feeders and checked on the mice in the outhouse. We will be catching these mice (we think they’re a family of four) and letting them loose in the field at the back of the house. But they still have a couple of babies and they need to be fending for themselves before we can let them go.
And so we come to Monday morning and, once again, I have no new writing to show for myself. I have transferred all of The Fool over to the new file now, which is some progress at least. But other than that and some reading work, nada.
This morning I need to do some more of that editing work, then this afternoon I’m off to the writers’ group. They’re just going to have to have a few more pages from Catch the Rainbow.
When I get home, I want to do more editing work, as the new one will be here on Wednesday (apparently), and I have some more work coming in from Hong Kong as well.
Busy but good weekend. Hope the writing group goes well today
Thank you. I know it’s a long way, but you could always join us … if you’re not already juggling a million things, that is.