Thursday 14 November 2019

Hmm. Not only is the old classic WordPress interface much easier and quicker to use, it also posts when I schedule it to. The new editor isn’t exactly on a winning streak at the moment …

Yesterday was a good working day. I got up on time, was at my desk on time, and I finished all of my daily admin jobs and household chores early.

If ever I don’t have any client work in, mornings are now spent doing admin work and household chores. Hopefully, that means I won’t be interrupted later in the day when I need to focus and concentrate on my own writing or editing work. If I have client work in, the daily admin jobs and household chores are done in my Pomodoro breaks. 

I tried to write first thing, but the chores just kept on sneaking in, dragging me away from my work. Now, with all the daily jobs out of the way, I’m having good, solid sessions on the writing work.

At the moment, I don’t have any client work in, although I’m half-expecting some from both Hong Kong and Australia. I’m also toying with a new contract (America). One of my daily admin jobs is a quick job search. Once again, as has been much of the story this week, nothing grabbed me. 

Because I finished all of my daily jobs and chores early, I spent some time faffing on Trello. I’ve created a book publishing board, a NetGalley board, and a Twee Tales board. The book publishing board doesn’t have a lot on it at the moment. But here is what the Twee Tales board looks like:

(I have no idea how that editing crayon attached itself to the Twee Tales Too list, it’s not on the screen … 😌)

We do have a cover for Twee Tales More, but I don’t have the jpg on my computer. I’ve also selected around half a dozen short stories so far for Twee Tales Twee, but not added them to the board yet.

Some have been published, some haven’t. With a new fiction magazine opening up to submissions, and not grabbing rights, I may decide to send a couple off there first, before publishing them myself. 

This board is quite basic in that it simply lists which stories have been included in the collection and how far along the publishing schedule they are. (Ebook, paperback, hard back, audio book.) Because I’ve started again from scratch and unpublished the first two from everywhere, I’m only just beginning this regime.

Because I don’t pay for the pro version of Trello (… yet), the background is off the peg. But I thought it looked nice behind the cover of the first collection. 

I started a new book for NetGalley at the start of the week. It grabbed me at first, then lost me, and then grabbed me again. I’ve been trying to think of a way to keep track of all the NetGalley books and I had started a spreadsheet. However, seeing as I’m becoming such a Trello nerd, I had a go at creating a board for these too.

This is what it currently looks like:

I’m still adding the backlog of books to the “done” list, but just doing this exercise yesterday reminded me that I have yet to post an Amazon review for Wrapped up for Christmas by Kaitlyn Duncan.

I probably didn’t post a review on Amazon because it might not have been published at the time. Amazon doesn’t like you reviewing a book before it’s gone up for sale, despite the large number of ARCs (advance review copies) they must know go out ahead of publication. 

Again, the background is one off the shelf. I’ve seen it used in a few other things recently, though, so I may change that.

The book publishing board is still very much a work in progress. I still have some tweaking to do. But I think these two boards might be goers. 

And that was yesterday’s faff.

For the rest of the day I worked on writing stuff, either this blog post or the Cadbury book. 

Today’s plan is the same again: admin jobs/household chores in the morning; faff if I have spare time; Richard Cadbury in the afternoon.