I had a lot of admin work to do yesterday in the end, and there’s still a load more to do.
First job, of course, right after writing yesterday’s blog post, was the diary.
Then I had to renew my membership of the Crime Writers’ Association, which expired on 31 August.
I chased a new credit card, which should have arrived before 31 August.
And I chased the council about not collecting our recycling bins last week at the old house – turned out it was the household collection that was due, which explains a lot, apart from the fact that we’d put that one out the week before… so we think they’ve changed the dates to fit in with collecting the green bins again – garden waste collection was suspended during lockdown.
I also had a play with some of the pages on here, to make them all a bit more consistent. I still have some work to do, but I’ve added the latest book to both the “my books” and the “short stories” pages.
Then the rest of the day was spent sifting through the jobs board and hiding anything I wasn’t interested in or that had been on there for too long. That took considerably longer than I anticipated.
So the upshot is, I was completely unproductive yesterday.
I moved The Life of Richard Cadbury into a prominent place on my desk. Proofreading that will be today’s priority, but I also want to get back into the swing of checking the jobs board daily and keeping the list short so I’m not wading through reams of unsuitable jobs all the time.
Things I still need to do include sifting through the jobs from the editing agency to see (a) what’s still available, and (b) if there are any I fancy; setting up the mail redirection; and my new month spreadsheets – I’m really behind on those.
I’ve switched from using Opera as my main browser to using Edge. Apparently, Opera was caning my computer, and Edge should be over any teething issues by now. But that’s taking some getting used to. I’m also adding all of my favourites/bookmarks again as I use them to make sure it’s not cluttered with websites I hardly ever visit.
This morning’s walk to the duck pond and back was easier. The dog wasn’t as shouty. And the weather wasn’t as drizzly. I think I managed to get a nice snap of the parish church, which is where those Commonwealth war graves are.
Hopefully, I might get around to some actual work today.