The plan was to do the 2-mile promenade walk at Cleethorpes, but when we got there it seemed that the rest of England had had the same idea. Cleggie was rammed.
The promenade car park was closed to all but blue badge-holders and businesses, the leisure centre car park was full, and so was the next one too.
Fortunately, the second lakeside car park had spaces, but the queue for the pay-and-display was longer than the queue for the ladies’ loo. (Although, by the time I made it to the ladies’ loo, at the end of our visit, there were only three of us in the queue.)
After spending less than £4 to park (he couldn’t remember the exact fee), we had our picnic in the car before setting off around the boating lake and along the edge of the Humber.
We still walked for just over 2 miles, we both caught the sun a bit on our faces, and the dog was once again incredibly well-behaved with the MILLIONS of other dogs there. He was also really good with the birds, but, saying that, he is used to chickens, peacocks, guinea fowl, ducks, etc.
Nice run out and the weather was very kind. Lots of queues for the chip shops, though. Good job we had our picnic.
Here are some pictures that the poet took while we were there. All images are © Ian Wordsworth. Enjoy!
Great photos
Thank you!