Wednesday Writing Prompts will be here on Thursday this week.
Here’s how the month of May went:
My writing
- Project Management for Writers – finish writing book 1 of 5 (18,000 words) ✖️
- write 9,500 words for The Beast Within ✖️
- step away from the self-published books ✔️
- revise Project Management for Writers: Gate 1 ✖️
- publish Project Management for Writers: Gate 1 ✖️
Client work
- finish editing non-fiction book for Yorkshire client ✔️
- edit website content for Hong Kong client ✔️
- finish & submit 1st ghostwriting instalment for Greece client, book #4 (20,000 words) ✔️
- proofread Jun/July magazine for Hong Kong client ✔️
- ghostwrite & submit 2nd instalment for Greece client, book #4 (20,000 words) ✔️
- haircut (yay!) ✔️
- lose weight ✖️
- increase walks to 2½ miles ✔️
- Whitby (3.7 miles) ✔️
That’s right. I hardly got any of my own work done at all. This is mostly because I received the summons to go to hospital for a long-awaited procedure, and all of the a sudden the month was re-jigged.
My first priority was to make sure that all of my paid clients had their work back to them before I went in. I’m very proud to say that I did this, invoices and all.
The rest of the month, when I wasn’t doing client work early, was spent having pre-op assessments, pre-op Covid swabs, the surgery itself, and, of course, the post-op recovery.
So, I’m not beating myself up. I’m simply vowing that June will be better.
Over to you …
… how did your May go?