Never in my life have I been a morning person. And I’m still not. I have much respect for people who can get up at 7am, or 6am, or 5am, or anything earlier than 10am really. It doesn’t come easily to me at all.
I wouldn’t mind if I stayed up at the other end of the day to make up for it. But I like to be back in bed by 10:30 – 11:00pm at the latest.
My dad used to be the first person who ever got up in the world. Even before the milkman. Because in those days, the milkman delivered milk in time for breakfast instead of maybe in time for tea. Mind you, we had more milkmen then too.
My granddad used to get up very early too, because he was a postman. And in those days the postman and the milkman shared the streets at roughly the same time of day. And my dad.
These days we have postal workers and milk people. But they still don’t get up as early as the milkman and postman of old. Or my dad.
This getting up at 8am lark isn’t getting any easier, and yesterday it was a real struggle. I had a good night’s sleep too. But come 8am, I did not want to get out of bed.
I managed it at about 8:15am, so that’s still much better than 10am or 11am. But it’s hard, and at the moment it’s getting harder. I’d love it if someone could tell me it’ll get easier.
I did my social hour, then, over breakfast. Two black dogs have been walking across the end of our drive at about 9am. On Tuesday I tried to get there before them, but they were early too. It’s not really a problem, but Rufus doesn’t like black dogs, and he’s not keen on any other dogs when he’s on a lead. So I tried to avoid them.
Yesterday, leaving the house at around 9:15am, I succeeded… almost. Another black dog was approaching our drive then, so I had to take Rufus to have a look at our wonderful holly tree at the end of the garden… and my ruse worked. Perhaps today I’ll try to get out at 8:45am and maybe miss them all.
We had a good walk and I was back at my desk by 9:30am. By 10am I was doing my 10 o’clock work.
So, it’s working, but it’s getting harder.
Wednesday’s main job for me was to proofread Project Management for Writers: Gate 1. I cleared most of it, but as I was also adding in the ‘further reading’ part, it took longer than I thought it would. I’ll finish this proofreading today.
I had to stop, though, because I had a busy afternoon ahead and my own time was already completed. The afternoon is client time, and I had three clients’ jobs, so they each had an hour allocated to them.
At 5pm, we walked home.