Prep Day Zero is actually all of the prep work for the prep work. For me, it’s reminding myself of the steps that work when I outline a project, and this week I’ve created tasks in my Asana project file.
Including Day Zero, there are actually six prep days rather than five, but the last one is Day Five.
What’s the difference? Well, one to five are actually writing work. Or jotting things down. Zero is just setting up reminders, I suppose.
I’d really done most of the prep-prep on Tuesday, including joining the Enchanted Wordsmiths group on the NaNo site. But I wanted to register that I’d at least done it, and now I have.
I have two more bits of prep-prep work.
The first one is the cover, but for that I’m still awaiting the artwork. The poet started it yesterday.
The second is I still need to find a nice little word meter that I can stick at the bottom of my NaNoWriMo posts. My little Writertopia man uses Shockwave, and Shockwave isn’t available anymore.
On Tuesday I updated Medium and the old WordPress site with 15 blog posts. Yesterday, I added them to my index on Medium, and I unfollowed a few people.
The rest of Wednesday was spent ghostwriting. I had to close down the internet and disconnect, and I had to get my Pomodoro out.