Last week we were in beautiful Northumberland on our holidays. We came home a day early so that we could pay for, sign for and collect the keys to our new house. There will be more information on both of these things either in future blog posts or via the newsletter – just as soon as the poet has copied some of the pictures to memory stick for me to share.

The portable garden is being dismantled at the old house and moved to the new house, where we will be taking over as custodians for a lovely new garden that’s already established. We’ll continue to use the portable garden on the patio and in the new greenhouse.

We have harvested all but a few potatoes and the tomatoes are still coming, but we need to wrap the portable garden up soon so we can move it. Saying that, we have arrived at the new house to some bumper harvests. We have 2 apple trees and 2 pear trees, plus lots of brambles as well as hawthorn and elder.

It’s still too early for the pears, but the apples are about ready. The rosy apples have been feeding the new village’s entire population of insects, but we’ve rescued a few. The green apples are apparently gorgeous. (I’m not an apple fan.) We already have a good crop of blackberries, but there are still tons and tons left on the bushes.

While the poet cut the grass (grass! Yay! No more gravel!), I sat and worked at the pop-up office, which has also doubled as our dining table. For 2 days I’ve been working on the inventory, checking things, taking pictures, writing it all up, converting it to pdf. But I still have a lot of work to do, such as a newsletter to catch up with, a book to publish on Monday, and the next ghostwriting gig to get on with.

So it’s just a very quick blog update for now, while the mobile phone lets me use it as a hotspot (it’s been very temperamental). I’ll have more news just as soon as I can fit it in.