Publication Day
It’s Publication Day today for the next book in my publishing challenge. This one is Book 52! (Of 54.) And that means that I met my 52 books in 52 weeks publishing challenge! Yay me!
Five Short Stories for Autumn is the latest of my Wordsworth Collections and it contains, well, five stories that have an autumn (or fall) feel.
You can find all of my books on the BUY MY BOOKS tab on the blog, or you can go to Or specifically for this one, you can follow this link.
I actually met the challenge about a week ago, which was when I bragged about it all over social media. But today is the day that Book 52 is actually available for people to buy.
There are two more books in my schedule to publish, but some time between when the second book is available and now I’ll do a full update on the publishing challenge, including a gallery of all 54 covers.
Why 54, I hear you ask? (Go on, ask!)
Well, that’s the mild OCD cropping up as the gallery for the final update didn’t look very nice with 52 books. I couldn’t get the right number of columns or rows to make it look good on screen. So I added a further 2 books to the schedule, both of which will be published on the next 2 Mondays.
So, Happy Publication Day to me today, and please excuse me while I walk around feeling smug all day.
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I love it. And I love that you published two extra to make the graphic pretty! Congratulations!
Thank you!