On Friday I did a lot of faff work, but I also got back into the groove for regular work again. Once the faff was out of the way, I did the weekly scan and backup, and then I worked on this week’s diary.
I had an x-ray appointment to make and I had to send our unavailable dates to my sister for the funeral arrangements. This meant I also had to put in the poet’s known days away just now. He has another trip at the end of the month but, at the time of writing, his next one isn’t until June. Saying that, we’re on holiday in May so perhaps that’s just as well.
We didn’t do much of anything at the weekend other than shopping – weekly shopping, pet shopping, and a new monitor for the poet’s new laptop. On Sunday afternoon I loaded up the Writing Mastery website on the tablet, plugged in my earphones, and sat and revised the Save the Cat workshops so far, to refresh my memory, jotting down a few more notes as they occured to me.
The plan was to finish catching up on that today and then crack on with writing again. But today turned out to be another day of admin where I spent a lot of time on the phone, on websites, and on email. I did a lot of sums – a LOT. I had to go hunting through Mom’s stuff again to find some more details to make the telephoning easier. And, once all of that was done, I summarised it in a long email to my sister so that she has the same information that I do.
I still have one more online workshop to revise, then I’ll carry on with the rest of the course and planning. I had to do *some* work, though. So I did the diary for the week as I hadn’t quite finished it last Friday. Good job as any Monday work (today) would have been moved along again.
Tomorrow the dog is going to the vet, the poet is out on site all day, and I have a doctor’s appointment. So there may not be a blog post on Tuesday, nor very much work done again. The doctor might be on our doorstep now, but the vet is still an hour away, so that will be a big chunk out of the day.
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I kind of wish one could pull one week out of the whole damn year just for admin, dr./vet appointments, and the like. Get it all done in a week and be done for the damn year. Hope everything goes well.
I’m not sure a single week would be enough!
Thank you. Everything seems to be dropping into place with just the odd issue here and there that either should have been done when the solicitors wound up Dad’s estate or that contradicts various other advice I mentioned in reply to your previous comment.