Month: July 2023
Monday 31 July 2023: July wrap-up
Friday I spent the first hour or so of Friday morning in the living room reading How to Write Short Stories and Get Them Published because there were video meetings going…
Friday 28 July 2023: I lost half a day
The man at the garage told me there was no need for me to arrange my MOT on a day when the poet could come with me and bring me…
Thursday 27 July 2023: A fair day
Yesterday went fairly well. It might be because the to-do list wasn’t very long, but I still shifted a fair few words and pages. I had two writing projects on…
Wednesday 26 July 2023: More proofreading
I had a slow start to the day yesterday, hitting my desk just in time to join in with the People’s Friend writing hour on Twitter… or X, or whatever…
Tuesday 25 July 2023: Wall to wall proofreading
The most pressing job I have to do this week is proofreading. The entire job is a whopping 527 pages, so I expect it to take the entire week. In…
Monday 24 July 2023: Publication Day!
We had an early start on Friday morning. The poet’s car had to go in for some work and as it was going to take all day, I followed him…
Friday 21 July 2023: Back to normal for a bit
After the madness that was the previous few days, I took it easy yesterday. I didn’t rush around like a mad thing. I didn’t dash back to what I was…

Thursday 20 July 2023: A bit about me + Course analysis
If I’ve been a bit distant this week, it’s because I’ve been taking part in a study along online workshop. I watched the last few videos this morning and received…

Wednesday 19 July 2023: I wrote a fantasy thriller… of sorts
So yesterday disappeared down a dark hole. Well, not a dark hole precisely. More a study hole. Because of the time difference I’m already a day behind the rest of…
Tuesday 18 July 2023: I published a book
The problem with joining a workshop that takes place on the other side of the Atlantic is they’re a few hours behind me so much of the day may be…
Monday 17 July 2023: I wrote a ghost story
Friday My body woke me up at 4am on Friday morning, complaining about the chocolate Munchies I’d had the night before. The dog woke me up at 5am, wanting to…
Friday 14 July 2023: Horror stories give me nightmares
The last thing I did on Wednesday night was read another short story from the first set book for the fantasy thriller writing workshop. It was a horror story and…
Thursday 13 July 2023: I wrote a short story set on a ship
The very last thing I did before going to sleep on Tuesday night was plot out the storyline for The City of Glasgow. I used Story Plotter on my phone….
Wednesday 12 July 2023: Multi-tasking
I had a really good start to the day by remembering the People’s Friend writing hour on Twitter. So I got up and dressed in record time instead of languishing…
Tuesday 11 July 2023: A bit behind
The poet was up with the lark on Monday morning because he had a long drive south for a two-day business conference. And he really was driving to the bottom…
Monday 10 July 2023: Down came the rain
We were both really tired on Thursday night. Probably the previous few weeks catching up on us. I struggled to get up on Friday and was Very Late to my…
Book Review: Summer in Tuppenny Bridge
This feature is in association with NetGalley. Summer in Tuppenny Bridge by Sharon Booth Many thanks to NetGalley and to Storm Publishing for letting me see an advance reader’s copy…
Friday 7 July 2023: 200 words a day
Wednesday didn’t turn out to be one of my better days. I hardly had any sleep Tuesday night and after my emergency run to the vet, I came home and…
This is tough. I’m not writing this for sympathy or for loads and loads of comments. I’m writing this so that all the lovely people who cared about Holly disappearing…
Wednesday 5 July 2023: Cranking up the machine
I was having a slow and leisurely start to Tuesday, until I remembered it was the People’s Friend writing hour on Twitter at 11am. Usually I’m late or in a…
Tuesday 4 July 2023: Happy Fourth of July!
Happy 4th of July to all of my American friends and readers. Have a super day. Saturday On Saturday morning I hung out some washing, wrote our meal plan for…
Monday 3 July 2023: The month ahead
What a lovely, sunny, cheerful flower. I think yellow is my favourite colour. Friday I knew Friday would be a busy day as it was the day I had to…