The poet was up with the lark on Monday morning because he had a long drive south for a two-day business conference. And he really was driving to the bottom of the country almost. I did get up with him to see him off, then I went back to bed and set the alarm from just over an hour. I had a lot to do and could do with an early start myself.
I should have just stayed up, because when the alarm went off I switched it off and went back to sleep. I got up at my usual time, but I still had a lot to do. Over breakfast I caught up on social media and emails, and I read another chapter of the first set book for the fantasy thriller writing workshops.
I started by finishing yesterday’s blog post, which I’d started on Friday. I exchanged several emails with the editing/proofreading client, regarding two books. And I replied to an email from the people managing the sale of our parents’ house. Actually, it’s out house now, but I suppose it will always be Mom’s and Dad’s.
We’re not in any rush because we have to wait for probate to go through, which could take up to a year yet. We have had one offer, though, and they’re so keen to secure it, they’ve upped their offer. The trouble is, my sister is out of the country at the moment, and not even in Europe, so I have to wait for her to contact me in response to an email. But I replied and that’s the only thing I could do.
I updated my word-count spreadsheets with the words I wrote at the weekend and I stuck blue stars on the wall calendar (The Fool) and red stars on the paper calendar (I wrote words today). I added 570 words to Catch the Rainbow, bringing the running tally to 24,665 words.
Over dinner I read another chapter of the set book.
I revised Harvey’s Festival, adding 703 words and bringing the length up to the required 1,900 words, removed it from the 12 Stories in 12 Months forum, and I sent it off to market. I shared the gig list post and I shared the next two Monkey Dust gigs. Last job of the afternoon was proofreading, and I proof-read 43 pages for Diary of a Pussycat (target was 36). I’m still behind on other work, though.
Today needs to be better.
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You had a good, steady day. I’m sure it builds a foundation for another good day today.
I’m trying to find the happy medium whereby I actually finish everything I intend to finish in one day. Hopefully I’ll get the mix right one day soon.
I don’t think I’ll ever finish everything I intend in a day! But I keep trying.