Before I finished work on Thursday, and while the poet was at his last band practice of the year, I worked on this week’s diary instead of leaving it until Friday. That worked in two ways. 1. To make sure I was ahead on this week’s planning. 2. To clear Friday so I only had two proper jobs to work on. THE SECRET OF WHITEHORSE FARM and the editing job.
(I’ve started to capitalise titles instead of italicise them as I don’t have to worry about reformatting it all when I post to the blog.)
I had the weekly backup to do as well, but that’s something that can run in the background while I crack on with something else.
Having only two major jobs to work on was initially rather freeing… But it also had the negative affect of conning me into thinking I had all day to do two jobs. Tut, tut. I frittered Friday morning away, doing household things. But I did return to my desk and start work without connecting to the internet.
I have to get out of the habit of opening ClickUp first thing. I have ClickUp replicated in my diary, so I should just work from that, ticking things off as I go. (I use ClickUp to move things around until I’m happy, then I transfer it to my hard copy diary, which doesn’t need an internet connection to open…) I do like to see all the pretty colours, though. It’s a touchy-feely thing.
Scrivener was the next thing I opened, so I could start today’s blog post. I much prefer to use Scrivener to Word, as Scrivener doesn’t try to connect to the internet like Word does. Also, since I started using Scrivener for the ghostwriting, it’s an excellent trigger to start work. That, and a nice cup of tea on my desk…
Off I pootled to make myself that nice cup of tea while the backup ran, then I was off. Or I thought I was.
I’ve gradually been moving my critical data into a more easily managed and remembered order, but I couldn’t find the file for WHITEHORSE FARM. I did a search and found it eventually, moving it to the new directory. But I also got a bit distracted moving a few other things over too. So much for getting on with focused work! Then I renamed the Scrivener file THE NETTIE CAMPBELL MYSTERIES.
If I have one Scrivener file for each series, then it’s easier to join them all together for an omnibus/boxed set/collection. I can also keep all of the covers in the same file and all of the character, location and other research notes together in one place. This week I’ll be creating a single Scrivener file for the FALLEN ANGEL series. It’s a trilogy at the moment, which means three individual books plus a boxed set.
While I was messing with Scrivener files, I also imported the emojis for the blog posts. I couldn’t add it as an existing file, though. I had to copy and paste them over. And when I did, there they all were in their glorious colour.
Eventually, I got around to WHITEHORSE FARM, starting with updating some of the character information with what I’d written so far. I need to start doing this as part of my wrap-up every day so that I keep on top of everything, everywhere and everyone.
I didn’t structure my day very well and ended up stepping away from the novella to make something to eat. I brought it back to my desk, too, which is something I have to stop doing. While I ate, I checked my emails and caught up with the blogs. Then I had to force myself back to the work in hand and get back into the zone.
The poet came home from work, bearing chocolates (mini chocolate bars) for the office. We already have a sweet (candy) dish in the office. It’s currently filled with rhubarb and custard boiled sweets but usually holds sherbet lemons. The chocolates had to go into another bowl, but now we have a choice. And, of course, I had to sample three…
I did get back into the novella, but I had to read again what I’d already read once. In the end, I only added 738 words to the tally, but at least I finished the second sequence and I tidied up the rest of the binder too so all I have to do is type in the notes from my A5 planner and then write.
It was already late by then, and dark, and Friday. I was a bit tired, so I decided to call it a day. I’m slowly getting into this new schedule, which is good. Now I just need to nip off those trips down rabbit holes.
Today I have two writing jobs in the schedule: FALLEN ANGEL #1 and THE SECRET OF WHITEHORSE FARM. I also have the next chapter of DIARY OF A SCAREDY CAT to upload to Substack, and I have that naval book to carry on editing.
You got a good bit done, in spite of being a bit scattered. Are you having fun with WHITEHORSE FARM? It sounds like a fun piece on which to work.
I really need to try and concentrate on one thing at a time.
Yes, I’m having fun, thank you – when I can get around to it!