Well, hello January, and hello 2024. It’s nice to see you!
I’m starting the new month and the new year on a slightly different regime. I’ve removed some time-sucks and waste-of-times, I’ve removed tasks that don’t add any value to my writing business, I’ve tried to streamline my schedule and be more realistic on how long to allocate different jobs, and I’ve organised the office. I’ve also reduced the number of projects I’ll be working on while I calculate those more realistic timings.
Here’s the plan for January:
- new month wordcount & progress spreadsheets for January
- (week) daily blog post
- weekly tech scan
- weekly backup
- weekly diary work
- author revisions to naval book
- send naval book to client
- invoice client for naval book
- Monkey Dust admin just once
- Diane’s gig list admin every Thursday
- attend online SF Mystery Writing Workshop
- complete up to three assignments for SF Mystery Writing Workshop
- write a short story for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS
- collate and publish WORDS WORTH READING ISSUE 1
- start to learn shorthand
- brush up on copy typing
- hospital appointment (me)
- hospital appointment (the poet)
- finances for February
- take dog to vet
- monthly schedule planning for February
How’s your January panning out?
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I’m playign with several different ways to doing things, and seeing which works. The serials are the priority this month, swtiching the focus each week, while some weeks working on more than one. I’m doing a re-release of a novelette, working on some project proposals, editing CAST IRON MURDER, but other the serials, I’m putting my head down and doing as much script coverage as I can, while trying to bring in a couple of new, regular clients at a better rate.
It’s a busy time, all right. But at least we have the flexibility to try these things out, don’t we?