The weather forecast for Saturday was way too hot for us to take the dog for a walk, so the day out we’d originally planned for Saturday was moved to Sunday, made easier by the dog’s pickup plans changing as well. Saturday all around was too hot for anything. We did, however, leave him for an hour while we went to do the shopping. Then we took him for a walk down the village after it cooled down significantly.
Sunday we went to Clumber Park again, mostly because we knew it was very dog-friendly. The poet cooked a chicken Saturday evening, and he made us a Caesar salad to take with us for a picnic on Sunday morning. It was only 19° C, which is apparently the hottest you should walk a dog. It does make me wonder how dog owners cope in hotter countries. Perhaps they’re more acclimatised to the heat.
When we got back, I read for a bit while the poet watched cricket and golf on the telly. Then, when it got cooler again, he cut the grass and I worked.
Yes, folks. I worked on a Sunday afternoon. I did 2 Pomodoros on the client edit, just to get a head-start with it for this week, and I cleared 31 pages.
On Monday I was up on time again, an hour and three quarters after the poet, who was heading down to the midlands again. But he was coming back again yesterday, and going down there again today, just to a different side.
Son #2 was coming to collect the dog at 11am, so until then, after breakfast I sat in the front window working on the client hard copy edit. When I came to a suitable place to stop, it was almost 11am, so I turned the Pomodoros off and sat with the dog on my lap for a bit. He gave me a cuddle before he left, but he was happy to see his dad. I think the dog had a nice time, and I thanked Son #2 for asking us.
I fed the garden birds, made a cup of tea, and moved into the office, where I finalised yesterday’s blog post, chose the picture, published it all, and caught up on comments and replies from last week. Then it was back to the client edit. I wanted to get as much of it done as I could before I got fed up of it and started to glaze over. I sat in the reading chair in the office with *another* cup of tea, and just cracked on with it.
Dinner time loomed up really quickly, so I had a short break when I finished the next chapter. I did one more Pomodoro after dinner, and took stock. I’d already passed the 100-page milestone, had sailed through the halfway milestone, and was less than 10 pages away from 100 pages left. I took a 10-minute break (my Pomodoros are 50 minutes, not 25, remember) while I thought about it.
But I decided that 3 Pomodoros was enough and I needed a break. Plus, I was keen to touch base with my new Horton Magna people. I finished Scene 2 and started Scene 3, but it’s getting a bit long for a short novella, so it may end up as a longer novella, though not quite a novel.
I think I might get a bit more done today as I’ll be working straight through. I’m only working on 2 jobs a day now, plus admin and blog posts, so there’s less to write about…
There’s still plenty to write about, because you’re writing plenty! Well done! Plus, you want to clear the decks for your holiday.
I do!