Friday 6 September 2024: More learning

Image by Anna Lysenko from Pixabay

I had a last minute dental appointment to attend yesterday (not an emergency) at 12:15pm, but the Tour of Britain bike race was starting at 11am, finishing at around 2pm, and going right round us. I couldn’t leave early for 2 reasons: 1. I had work to do, and 2. even if I got there early, they only have enough car parking spaces for the number of live appointments at any one time, meaning no space to sit outside and wait. So I just had to warn them in advance that I might be delayed.

That was my first job of the day. Calling them. The next job of the day was checking the route and times. The third job of the day was starting today’s blog post. I’ve been a day behind on this all week and even missed a couple last week. In between I also checked travel times and takeaway times as we might be going out with Peggy at the weekend.

Then I did my 5-minute tech declutter, fed the birds, and was on standby to share the gig list post. I didn’t really have the luxury of time in which to get my teeth into anything substantial, so I got the bitty stuff out of the way first.

As it turned out, I chose the best time to leave the house, crossing the cycle race route in 2 places 10 minutes before the traffic delays the signs warned about. I was 15 minutes early for my appointment but there were still 2 spaces in the car park, one of which became mine. She was running a few minutes late, but I was in the chair for 45 minutes having half of my mouth numbed and cleaned. Back on Monday for the other half.

The anaesthetic took a long time to wear off. My mouth looked like it had a palsy with its lopsided smile. I tried to talk in an articulate manner, but all that came out was gibberish, so I had to resort to sign language while I paid the bill. I missed the traffic coming home too, so I timed it well all round.

I was starving hungry and had to look for something mushy to eat. Then it was back to work for the rest of the day. The only 2 tasks I had left for the day were both brainstorming for short stories. I did manage to do some of that in the dentist’s chair to try and take my mind off what was going on. But I still needed to do the job properly.

I logged into my Writing Mastery Academy to see if there were any brainstorming suggestions there, and there’s a whole course on ideas for stories. I was distracted, however, by the ‘how to fast draft your novel’ course. I have a novel that needs finishing quickly, so I’m hoping this will keep me company as I write it.

Before finishing the day I had a look at opening an author’s BookFunnel account. It’s only $20 a year for their lowest package. But I might look at running a kickstarter or other crowdfunder before taking out a subscription. I also looked at a few grants we have available, but I don’t think I qualify for most of them, so a crowdfunder might be the way forward if I want to pay an artist.

Today needs to be busier. I have a lot of admin stuff to do, as usual on a Friday, plus I need to run through the Taliban proofs and hopefully sign those off.

Have a super weekend!

4 thoughts on “Friday 6 September 2024: More learning

  1. ~Glad all went well with the dentist visit…it’s bad enough without traffic and parking hassle! I’m so glad we can walk to ours and to the GP surgery.

    1. I noticed a few months ago that we were putting down roots in this area. As of the end of August, we’ve officially been in this house longer than we’ve been in any other house together. We don’t have anything within walking distance, but there is a bus that goes between Rotherham and Doncaster, if ever we end up staying here and we don’t have cars any more. But I’d love to be close enough to everything to walk, for as long as we can!

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