Friday 13 September 2024: Friday the 13th

Image by J Lloa from Pixabay

It’s Friday the 13th today. Friday the 13th bothers me that much, I didn’t even register it until I saw something on Facebook. 

I don’t know where yesterday went but I know I was busy. This is why I should really write the blog as I go along. Now I have to rack my brains trying to remember what I filled the day with…

I had an appointment first thing, which I didn’t know about until 25 minutes before it happened, so that meant a bit of a mad dash to make myself presentable and head off in the car. Fortunately, I made it in time and was in and out in a flash and back home by 10:30am, when I had a late breakfast. Perhaps that’s what threw me for the rest of the day.

When I got back I did my 5-minute declutter on Twitter/X. I’m slowly deleting all of my posts, replies and likes. I won’t be deactivating it because it’s still linked to in my older books. But I have pinned a post at the top to my LinkTree. Future books will just have the website and the LinkTree in them.

The day before I’d selected quite a few stories to read and comment on for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS, but I didn’t comment on them all. So I went back to that and finished my commitment for this month and last month. I caught up on uploading all of my blog posts to BlueSky. This needs to be a daily job until JetPack, or whoever, adds BlueSky to the auto-post function. It was time consuming and I had to concentrate, but I did it.

Then I went onto Medium and uploaded yesterday’s blog post to there. I opened an existing Medium board on Trello and moved the cards around, adding a few more, deciding on a monthly routine alongside the daily blog posts. I want to try and eventually come up with a travel feature, a book review, a short story, and a roundup of sorts for each month. 

I chose 3 stories recommended for me and 3 stories from people I follow, read them all from top to bottom, and ‘clapped’ for them all. Just that as well as adding the blog posts this week from the beginning of September has brought in new readers and followers to mine. When I get into the swing of things, I’ll try and comment too. Medium are apparently only paying paid members for reads now, but there are still a lot of unpaid members on there. 

The poet called to say we were getting grand-doggy from today for a week. I thought it was next week, the poet thought it was November. He checked, and we’re still getting him in November. We weren’t prepared for him this week, but fortunately we didn’t have anything planned. 

I want to run through a short story today and get it submitted to a call for submissions that expires on Sunday. I also want to do more work on the Medium planning. And then I’m diving back into CATCH THE RAINBOW. I have a hair appointment too today, but not until 4:30pm.

We’ll probably be out and about with the dog over the next 2 days. Whatever you’re up to, have a great weekend!

2 thoughts on “Friday 13 September 2024: Friday the 13th

  1. We chose the same graphic today. Too funny!

    Eveyrthing seems to be taking longer than it should lately, and it’s getting frustrating.

    I need to come up with a new plan for Ko-fi for 2025. I’m not utilitzing it properly.

    Have fun with the dog!

    1. I’m gradually getting around to everything, or all the things I want to keep at least. I need to add some more books to Ko-fi, but I usually keep it for tipping.

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