Monday 21 October 2024: Leisurely weekend

Image by Jill Wellington from Pixabay

I forgot to mention in Friday’s post that on Wednesday the money I was owed by Vocal landed in my bank account. On Thursday morning, another job I did from my phone was to delete my remaining stories on Vocal, cancel my subscription, remove the photographs, and delete my account. 

The amount of work I had to do there wasn’t justified by the amount of money I was earning. So I cut my losses, closed it down, and moved on. There are way too many stories on there and they push the latest stories down the pecking order far too quickly.


The poet’s Teams meetings on Friday morning started at 8:30am. I stayed out of the way as long as I could. I don’t have to, it’s just easier, and I get more done in a different room anyway while he’s talking, just like he gets more done in a different room when I’m watching a video.

I spent a lot of time on planning the coming months, tidying up my Trello boards, making sure I don’t give myself too much work to do in too little time. I searched for, found, customised and printed off planning sheets to help me sort everything out on paper before committing it to my schedule. 

I stripped out some of Friday’s blog post and added it to the Scrivener file for writing challenges. I checked the Taliban book revisions and sent that back to the client, and I checked that the revisions to the plates section had been done and sent those back. I’ve handed this one back to the client now, who’s quite capable of checking the odd couple of queries I had left.

We went out and did the shopping on Friday to free up the weekend. The poet had cancelled another gig due to having no voice, and trying out his singing voice actually did more damage to his speaking voice. So he was on a strict no-talking/no-singing regime for the whole weekend. Harder than one might think…

The Weekend

We didn’t do anything on Saturday other than nip to the van and visit the mother-in-law. I did do a couple of Pomodoros on the proofreading, but that was all.

We didn’t do much on Sunday either, other than do washing all day. We had 2 loads that could go into the tumble dryer, but it was peeing down with rain so everything else went on clothes horses with the dehumidifier doing overtime on ‘laundry’ setting.

I had another couple of hours in the office working on planning. Oh, and I found out where 2 more keyboard functions were on the Mac. But other than that we had a leisurely weekend.


Today I have to do the diary for this week and I have to decide which of the novellas/novelettes I want to do first for the Great Novella Challenge. Hopefully, I can send off the email later on today telling them when I will start. I also finalised this post and published it.

How was your weekend?

1 thought on “Monday 21 October 2024: Leisurely weekend

  1. I’m glad he rested his voice. Those mini whiteboards are great for communicating without speech. I used to use them with my singers on shows when they were on vocal rest. That and A LOT of Throat Coat tea.

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