Monday 9 December 2024: Publication day!

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Yes! It’s another publication day today. The City of Glasgow is another story I wrote for 12 Stories in 12 Months. We were given the prompt (1852) and the word-count (1,800, not negotiable), and after some research into 1852, this is what I came up with. It’s also in Words Worth Reading Issue 1. 

Find it here.

When I left you on Friday, I’d just opened up The Mucky Duck for revision. Then I paused the blog and posted it so that I can catch up. The post shared automatically, but the featured image didn’t. Again. [Sigh!] I started to share it on BlueSky to see if the image was there, but it wasn’t. [Big Sigh!]

JetPack did an update the day before, so I immediately assumed it was that causing the problem. But I couldn’t find anywhere in JetPack to fix it. So then I did a search on the WordPress forum to see if anyone else had the same problem…And I found a post of my own that’s more than a year old that had my very own fix within it.

It wasn’t WordPress, it wasn’t JetPack, it was the image. I MUST remember that WordPress doesn’t like PNG images. I went into Affinity to change it to a JPG, and it worked! So I was happy to share it to BlueSky and to Medium. But that all takes time. 

I do wish JetPack would hurry up and add BlueSky to the auto-share. I mean, there’s been a mass exodus from X, so there can’t be as many people using that now. To give it a bit of a bump along, I always open the posts from BlueSky because, in theory, JetPack should see that, right?

And yes, I’m still considering get rid of JetPack, I just haven’t summoned up enough courage yet to do so. I’m such a coward!

Anyway, once all of that was out of the way, I made a cup of tea and got back to work. Which consisted of me finishing the revision for The Mucky Duck. Again, some time has passed between now and when I finished the first draft, but again, I’m still really happy with it. So I tweaked it only a tad and saved it, adding the word-count (1,200) to the title so I can easily remember what it will be when it’s published as a standalone (flash fiction). 

I moved the rest of last week’s work to this week before organising the schedule for the next novella. It’s only a short novella, 15,000 to 16,000 words, which I can easily do in a fortnight. I already had the main storyline. I just had to organise it into Acts or Parts. I’m hoping that will only take a couple of hours too.

I rattled off a quick 150-word short as well, for Medium. These very short articles are some of my biggest earners so before I start to rant anywhere now or reply to a thread in detail, I first ask myself if it will make a suitable 150-word short. The one I submitted last week was why I’m reviewing fewer books. This one will sit and cool in the Scrivener binder for a few days and then I’ll submit that one. 

I was going to put next year’s diary pages into my Filofax, but when I opened it, I saw it doesn’t start until 1 January. That’s not really very odd and how it should be, but so many diaries start in December. But I put it away again and kept the one I was already using. 

Last job I did was update my 12-project planner (have you seen that?!). Then I called it a week. I had a poorly poet at home after 4 days away and, call me old-fashioned, but I decided I’d quite like to spend a bit of time with him.

Short n sweet, but tomorrow we’ll catch up from the weekend.

2 thoughts on “Monday 9 December 2024: Publication day!

  1. Sounds like you’re all organized for 2025. I have a bunch of stuff coming up that might change everything I thought was set for next year. I mean, it’s all good stuff, it just proves, once again, I have to be flexible! Hope you had a great weekend.

    1. What a shame, when you’re already done the work. But at least it’s all good, and the stuff you’d planned to do will no doubt still be there.

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