Yesterday turned into a bit of a publishing day. I still have a few books to get out before I push the publishing side of things to one side, and yesterday I published 3 and republished 1.
I wasn’t planning on the republication and had already shifted that job along for when I get around to it again. But I’d already changed the front cover and I much preferred the new cover to the old cover. Rather than just change the cover, though, I also changed the price, the interior, and the publisher name.
I’m publishing books now as Baggy Bottom Books rather than Baggins Bottom Books. Too many people seemed to think it was something to do with Tolkien, and it wasn’t. But it’s easier now to just change it to Baggy Bottom. I’m also putting my prices up this year, and while I was in Pancake Race, I thought I may as well change the price too.
Flash Fiction standalones from now on will be £1.49/$1.49. Before, they were 99p/$1.49. Wordsworth Shorts standalones will be £1.99/$1.99. Before, they were 99p/$1.99. I’m not going to do any 99p/99c books again unless I run a promotion, but I needed to differentiate between the very short stories and the short stories. Plus, the pound is doing so badly against the dollar at the moment that I was losing out a bit.
You can see all of my books here, and still buy many of them at 99p if you’re in the UK. But I will gradually be changing the prices even if I don’t get around to changing the interiors or the covers at the same time.
I did publish one book the day before yesterday, Happy Valentine, a Flash Fiction (#12), but the files failed on Google Play Books and I had to upload them again. This time a techie at the help chat said the files were there and without error, but I’d need to wait 12 to 24 hours for them to go live. The other 2 were The Weather Can Be Murder, a Wordsworth Short (#37), and Ash Wednesday, a Flash Fiction (#13).
Even after I thought I’d uploaded all the correct files I still had to go back and change a few things. I forgot to change the logo, for example, from Baggins Bottom Books to Baggy Bottom Books. I had to change the ‘previously published’ info in Ash Wednesday to include Twee Tales and Flash Fiction 1, and then I had to go back again and add ‘broadcast on BBC Radio Devon’. And THEN I had to go back and make sure I’d updated the description on the right book!
Anyone would think I didn’t keep a checklist for things like this. (Clue: I do…)
I’d already delisted the Flash Fiction collections 1 to 3 on Wednesday, but I hadn’t removed them from Books2Read. So I did that too. And then I updated Pancake Race, which was Wordsworth Short #13, right at the very start almost.
Here’s the old cover and the new cover for Pancake Race. I think I made the right decision.
I fed the birds, hung up a load of washing, put another washload through, shared the gig list, and shared yesterday’s blog post. Then I did some pre-writing for The Haunted House Hotel before having another Pomodoro on the client edit.
We had stew and dumplings for tea, followed by an apple crumble.
I think we’re taking the van out for another run over the weekend. Then next week we’re off down south again.
Have a fab weekend!
Well done! Have a great weekend, and a good trip next week.
Thank you!