Publication Day! Last one!

Publication Day

It’s Publication Day today for the final book in my publishing challenge! Wahey! I made it. 😁 And I’m going out on a BANG! 🎊 🎉

I wrote The Bonfire Party a long time ago and sold it to Take a Break’s Fiction Feast. Since then it’s been published in Twee TalesTwee Tales More and Five Short Stories for Autumn. It’s now a standalone Wordsworth Short and it remains one of my all time favourite stories wot I writ.

You can find all of my books on the BUY MY BOOKS tab on the blog, or you can go to Or specifically for this one, you can follow this link.

The Bonfire Party marks the end of my self-imposed 54-week publishing challenge, but there’s another one due out next week. This is because it’s a remembrance day story and I’m publishing it ahead of the armistice weekend.

In the future I’ll continue to publish books and stories, either when they are topical or when they are ready. It just won’t be every week. But now that my ‘magic bakery’ is stocked, I can concentrate on writing more short stories, novelettes, novellas, novels and books. I also have a series on the go (as opposed to a serial).

Since I started this challenge, in October 2021, I’ve sold more books than I’ve ever sold before – and my books have been available since 2010. That’s how important it is to have an inventory, or a back catalogue, for readers to go to when they have finished one story or book. Without this inventory I would have lost some of those repeat buyers.

Later this week I’ll post about how the challenge went, along with the gallery of covers I keep promising.

What next?

I want to look at releasing a ‘magazine’. The magazine will include short stories and novel excerpts/serialisations, and perhaps a complete novella or novelette (not sure what the difference is, but I can find out). This is what I really wanted to do at the start of this challenge, but I knew I wouldn’t be able to increase my output sufficiently.

So my next challenge is either a writing challenge, or it’s to get the magazine up and running.

But I’ll think about that in the new year. For now, I’m going to sit back and have a rest.

Did you join in with my publishing challenge? How did you do?

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2 thoughts on “Publication Day! Last one!

  1. Well done, you!

    Love the idea of a magazine, and yes, backlist is so important!

    A novelette is usually defined as 7K on the short end and up into the teen Ks on the top end (usually around 10K), and COULD nudge novella length. Novellas are usually definied as 20K up to standard novel lenght, with a lot of publishers wanting them to hit around 40K. At least, those are the standard definitions I’ve seen from publishers here.

    Happy Nano Day 1!

    1. Thank you! I was erring on the side of a novelette being a short novella. I thought it was a short novel, but then I thought that was what the novella was so maybe it was a short novella. Thanks for the info. And Happy NaNo to you too!

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