We went out on Sunday to get me a long grabby thing (long-handled litter-picker) so that when I’m walking around the garden, I can easily pick up windfall apples and pears. I had breakfast first yesterday, for a change, then fed the birds, and then I went and grabbed a handful of apples. Only one was worth keeping, and I threw the others into the stingers for the insects to eat. The long grabby thing meant I could retrieve apples from inside the brambles and stingers too, even if most went back again.
I had a lot to do yesterday, with restarting two blogs: THE SECRET SUGARHOLIC and OUR GARDEN THIS WEEK. I also had to write up yesterday’s blog post, and for that I had to get the picture of Blarney Castle off my phone and onto the laptop. I just can’t get the laptop to communicate via Bluetooth, and it’s a relatively new laptop too. So I had to email it to myself and then go and grab it.
First of all, though, I had to plan this week’s schedule and then transfer it to the diary. I just didn’t have time last Monday in the end to do this in advance. So I had to do it yesterday. Next, I created a folder in Scrivener for SECRET SUGARHOLIC and one for OUR GARDEN THIS WEEK. I wrote up yesterday’s SECRET SUGARHOLIC blog, and I played with the template for the OUR GARDEN blog, ending up with the one I started with in the first place.
By dinnertime, I was only as far as yesterday’s blog post, so I wrote that up and posted it while I ate my dinner. Immediately after dinner, I started today’s post. Then I finished brainstorming A DAY AT THE RACES for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS. I started it while we were in Ireland, but didn’t get around to finishing it.
I went into Plottr to work on the full outline of A DAY AT THE RACES, but then my sister asked me if I’d had chance to look out our final Probate statement. I hadn’t. I’ve been chockablock for about 3 weeks. But I had time to squeeze in a quick peek, so went to collect all of the documents. Very quickly I fired off initial observations to my sister, then I had to go to the dentist.
The hygienist was very pleased with me and even said ‘Brill!’ Before she could do a proper ‘deep clean’ she needed to see the bleeding in my mouth reduce to 10% or less. I started out on about 83%. By my next visit I’d got it down to around 56%. And by the visit after that, 43%. But this time, it was down to 14%, and she was happy to proceed. That’s a huge improvement. No wonder I’ve felt like I’ve had a different set of teeth in my mouth!
I booked 2 appointments, so it could be done in 2 halves with anaesthetic, and came home to celebrate with a nice cup of tea and 2 mini chocolate chip muffins. (I know, I know, I may as well have a full-sized one at that rate! But at least I didn’t succumb to the sweets in my car’s glove compartment on the way home…) When I got in, I added both of the appointments to TickTick, and then added the 3 dermatology appointments I thought I’d added ages ago.
I had just one more job to do so I could have a full set of ticks against the day, and that was a quick look at the pre-writing for Act 1 of THE HAUNTED HOUSE HOTEL. I thought I’d already done it, but wanted to check before getting into the writing flow for Act 1. I thought I still had to add in a brainwave or two, but it looked like everything was there and ready to go.
I finished today’s blog post, updated my word-count spreadsheets, and called it a day.
Busy. And dentist always takes it out of one, I find.
A DAY AT THE RACES is also the title of a Marx Brothers movie, if you ever want to catch it.
Who enjoys a trip to the dentist?!
I’d forgotten that. I bet that’s where Queen got the idea from.
I have a lovely dentist but I’d prefer not to go, if possible.
Ian says our current dentist is the best dentist he’s ever been to. (The hygienist is one of his associates.) He should be. He costs enough! I still hate going, though.