When I got up yesterday I was convinced it was Tuesday. I still had my story to write for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS. But it was fine, I still had all day in which to do it.
I very lazily sent off an email to my brother and sister to see what they wanted to do with our parents’ ashes, and was going to read a magazine or something. (I’ve stopped playing games over breakfast, instead choosing to read or do something useful.)
An email arrived from 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS, and I thought it was just the usual reminder we get. But it wasn’t. It was the ‘It’s Deadline Day Today!’ email, and I went into Benny Hill mode to get my story written.
Of course, I got distracted almost as soon as I turned the computer on. Facebook was saying I was using an unsupported browser. But when I checked what browsers are supported, there was mine at #4: Safari. I checked I had the most up to date version. (I did.) And I fired off a report to FB letting them know that I had *another* bug.
Then I went to share a friend’s post, to give their business a bit of a boost. But I noticed a bit of a typo. Instead of ‘Bonfire Night’ it said ‘Bunfore Night’. Not even close enough to let this particular grammar nazi share it anyway. So I fired off a message to them too. They thanked me and changed it within minutes and I was able to share it with a clear conscience.
My sister replied to the ashes email, but my brother is 5 – 6 hours behind us.
Before I knew it, it was midday and I still hadn’t started my story. I had a quick look to see if I had anything ready. I had 2. But one was more than 4,000 words and the other was 2,300 words. Our strict word-count was 1,800 words. So that put paid to that. It would probably be quicker for me to just draft the 1,800 words.
I had something to eat, then settled down in front of Scrivener with the Pomodoro timer on. It took 2 Pomodoros, but I did it. Went for a walk. (Around the house, don’t get excited!) Did something else for a bit. Came back for a read-through. Submitted it. Phew!
So that’s an 1,800-word story I wrote in just a couple of hours. It’s probably rubbish, but they are supposed to be first drafts. Moved it into the short story machine, updated the word-count spreadsheet, and moved on to the next one.
I collected the next prompt, the next word-count (1,200), and the next deadline (6 November). It’s already in the diary to be brainstormed tomorrow. That way it just about fits into my 5-week schedule, I’ll just miss the revision step, which will be incorporated into the story machine schedule anyway.
The poet was already on his way home and I had baking to do. We needed an Adam’s Pudding for, well, pudding. (Same as an Eve’s Pudding, but with pears instead of apples.) And I wanted to have a bash at cookies. I’ve not done any for ages. It was either peanut butter cookies or ginger cookies.
I’ll let you know tomorrow…
Well done, you! 1800 words is excellent!
Thank you! Gives me an almost 3k-word story with both parts – and some readers asked for Part 3!