We welcomed another new member to the group yesterday, who hadn’t been able to come before now due to various reasons. But she hopes to be with us every week if possible.
There were still two extended apologies until September, one member sent her apologies due to ill health, and another didn’t think she could get there for the new time, but would try her best to join us before the end.
The first few minutes were getting to know our new member, who writes her memoirs as anecdotal short stories. More was discussed about the library becoming a possible venue for NaNoWriMo write-ins. And we discussed at length the timings of the group for future meetings. Hopefully, by September we will have made the decisions permanently.
There wasn’t a topic this week. Those who attended from the previous week had agreed to bring something we’re already working on, but only one of us remembered.
I read out two new scenes from The Fool, around 1,000 words, and then I brought our new member up to speed with what’s been going on in the story with the other 1,000-or-so words. She enjoyed listening to the scenes written for previous meetings. There are now a total of five scenes at first draft.
“P2”, our new member, read her published memoir The Awakening, of around 750 words, and then she read out an unpublished memoir, Coming Home, of around 1,000 words. These were both written in a lively fashion and made us laugh.
As “R” hadn’t brought anything this time, we asked him what he would bring next time, and he said another chapter from his so far untitled novel. He has decided that this new chapter will be called The Old Man, and so we decided that this would be a good theme for those who need one for next week.
Goldthorpe Writers meet every Monday at Goldthorpe Library, Barnsley Road, Goldthorpe, Barnsley S63 9NE, from 2:30pm until 4:30pm. There is free parking to the rear of the library, buses stop almost outside, and the railway station is a short walk away. Refreshments are also currently available for free. All are welcome.