Friday morning began with some Pomodoro admin and a jigging about of each one, resulting in one Pomodoro less per day and a shorter dinner break, but longer Pomodoro breaks. I certainly didn’t feel quite so rushed by the end of the day and had more time to breathe.
I wrote my daily blog post, tidied up my Twitter feed, was approved for two more NetGalley books, and did some work on the Cadbury book.
In the afternoon, I scheduled a post for Diane’s Gig List for 8am this morning, I updated the poet’s calendar with mine and I invoiced the Hong Kong job. The rest of the day was mugging up on the topic for the client writing job and some courteous admin.
We did the shopping Friday evening, but then had two very lazy days, getting up really late. On Saturday we went to the bank and then went visiting.
On Sunday we pottered, the poet in the garage and me in the house. And we had a bit of a baking day. I made an apple and blackberry pie and some sweets, he made a loaf of bread and a 7″ savoury quiche. And I did some Monkey Dust admin for this coming weekend.
And that was it. The way a weekend should be.
This morning I have client work to carry on with and this afternoon it’s the writers’ group. If no one turns up, I’ll have The Beast Within with me and will do some prep work for that. I didn’t get chance to do any at the weekend the days were so short.