Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 4
We had a good weekend … apart from the dog not feeling very well. He has a bit of a garbage-mouth, so we’re not surprised when he gets the runs…
Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 3
I had a good day on Friday. I wrote up several scenes, mixed them about a bit, and added some new material. It was also the first job of the…
Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 2
Yesterday started well. I was ready for my desk by 10am, after doing household chores and other faffing. I sat down with my ritual cup of tea, and I started…
Camp NaNoWriMo – Day 1
I think I’ve made a reasonable start for Camp NaNoWriMo. It was my first job of the day and I spent longer than my designated hour on it. I also…
Camp NaNoWriMo – and so it begins
Yes, it’s started. And for the first time ever, I’m joining in with a Camp NaNoWriMo. This should be a little easier than the usual NaNoWriMo, as there are 31…
And the winner is …
… Catch the Rainbow! I thought long and hard, I considered my current workload, and I decided that I don’t have the physical capacity at the moment to write something…
Decision time
The time has come (the walrus said) to make a decision. The picture above is the short list of works in progress I’m considering working on next. One of these…
That’s the weather. We’re here in the middle of a heatwave, which is suiting a lot of people. It doesn’t suit me, but I don’t mind it. We have all…
Lockdown easing
For more than 3 months, this country has allegedly been on lockdown. Although, if you see how many people have been walking past our remote bungalow and how they walk…
I too should be writing …
I’m really getting the itch to be writing again. I keep booking it in, but then I keep running out of time. I have clients that all have deadlines. And…
I’ve been a bit busy
I can hardly believe that before Christmas I was thinking about looking for a “proper job” again. I’d taken a few months off to write my own book, The Life of…
52 books: Writing the Killer Mystery
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over 52 weeks. The initial year has sailed on by, and my last post was so long ago…
52 books: Goal Setting for Writers
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over 52 weeks. The initial year has sailed on by, and my last post was so long ago…
New badge on NetGalley
This just a quick newsy update to have a bit of a brag. The picture is very tiny, so it’s blown up a bit blurry, but I was awarded a…
52 books: Time Management for Writers
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over 52 weeks. The initial year has sailed on by, and my last post was so long ago…
Back to (writing) work
Earlier in the year (gosh, is it still only March?), I had to take a bit of a sabbatical from my writing as I needed to replenish all of the…
Our prime minister’s full formal lockdown instruction didn’t come until Monday 23 March. However, we suspected it was on the way and so we did our regular shopping early, ensuring…
Words worth editing
The sharp-eyed among you may have noticed it’s gone a little quiet here in Breezy Bottom. That’s because I’ve been frantically searching and pitching for work. Writing the biography last…
Book review: The Christmas Lights
This feature is in association with NetGalley. The Christmas Lights, Karen Swan Thanks to NetGalley and to Pan Macmillan for an advance copy of The Christmas Lights by Karen Swan….
The income octopus: update
For almost two years I have been trying out the income octopus. You can see the original post if you follow the link. Basically, it’s a method to ensure that…
Going forward
The last few months of the last year were very busy, one way or another, and I didn’t have time to catch my breath. We’re already into the third week of…
News, News, News
I have three items of news to share with readers. The first is that there’s a new post up on the Alphabet Adventurers. Please follow the link to see K…
Happy New Year! Goals for 2020
First of all, a very Happy New Year to all of you! Here’s to health and prosperity! The last three months of 2019 were quite stressful with one thing and…
Diary of a non-fiction book: Website research
I have been beavering away at the biography, but it is dragging on a bit now. We had so many interferences and interruptions that the deadline kept on being pushed…
Wednesday 20 November 2019
Yesterday was another successful day of two halves. Once again, the morning was spent doing admin and chores. I did my daily job search but didn’t fancy any. They’re all…
Monday 18 November 2019
Friday seems like such a long time ago now. I was very busy and forgot to write and schedule a post for this morning. The morning was spent doing all…
Friday 15 November 2019
What a horrible day Thursday turned out to be. I’d already had a disturbed night between the cat and the dog both wanting attention several times at different times, so…
Thursday 14 November 2019
Hmm. Not only is the old classic WordPress interface much easier and quicker to use, it also posts when I schedule it to. The new editor isn’t exactly on a…
Wednesday 13 November 2019
As it happened, I did remember to schedule yesterday’s post for 8 o’clock in the morning, but for some reason, it didn’t. I have today checked the settings, and the…
Tuesday 12 November 2019 (list alert!)
I had a busy week last week removing most of my self-published books – ebooks and paperbacks – from Amazon KDP. I’m setting up a proper publishing schedule and re-releasing…
Book review: Snowflakes at the Little Christmas Tree Farm
This feature is in association with NetGalley. Snowflakes at the Little Christmas Tree Farm, Jaimie Admans Thanks to NetGalley and to HQ digital for an advance copy of Snowflakes at…
Repackaged, rebranded and republished …
… and removed from Amazon KDP. Only the ebook is available at the moment – or it will be once it’s been through the process. The paperback will follow, and…
Book review: Let it Snow
This feature is in association with NetGalley. Let it Snow, Sue Moorcroft Thanks to NetGalley and to Avon Books UK for an advance copy of Let it Snow by Sue…