0 528  2 Comments on Book review: A Deadly Habit
Posted in book review

Book review: A Deadly Habit

This is a new feature on Words Worth Writing, in association with NetGalley. See my NetGalley review here and my Amazon review here. (Amazon link to follow once the book…

0 314
Posted in book review

Book review: Naturally Thin

This is a new feature on Words Worth Writing, in association with NetGalley. See my NetGalley review here and my Amazon review here. Naturally Thin: lasting weight loss without dieting…

0 386  2 Comments on Round-up and to-do list
Posted in writer at work

Round-up and to-do list

I had a lot to do again last week, and I didn’t manage to do them all. daily writing exercise write a blog post every day I only managed one…

0 464  2 Comments on Round-up and to-do list
Posted in writer at work

Round-up and to-do list

I’m a bit late with this, this week, but I have been busy, just not necessarily busy doing what I was supposed to be doing … I did some work…

0 291
Posted in writer at work

The alphabet adventurers

The time is near for my lifestyle blog, Tales From Baggins Bottom, to pack itself away. It has served me well, since 2005, across Blogger and WordPress. But things change,…

0 279
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: Story Starters

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 38. Story Starters is a book of fiction writing prompts from Fiction…

0 264  1 Comment on Working at the weekend
Posted in writer at work

Working at the weekend

I don’t often work at the weekend, or of an evening if I can help it – unless, of course, there’s a genuine emergency and only then if it’s for…

0 301
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 37. The Busy Mom’s Guide to Writing by Angela Castillo and Jamie Foley,…

0 280
Posted in writer at work

Round-up & to-do list

I had quite a hefty to-do list last week, one that even made me gulp, and only 4½ days in which to do everything. However, I got through pretty much…

0 618
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write a Novel step-by-step

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 36. How to Write a Novel step-by-step is part of a series from…

0 357
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write Fiction Without the Fuss

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 35. How to Write Fiction Without the Fuss by Lucy McCarraher is another…

0 325  2 Comments on A time-management experiment
Posted in writer at work

A time-management experiment

On Sunday I pre-scheduled Monday’s blog post (round-up) and I worked on my diary for the coming week. I stuck to my original plan of having an hour for morning…

0 366  2 Comments on Round-up & to-do list
Posted in writer at work

Round-up & to-do list

The week before Easter was a 4-day week. I had a lot to do before we broke up on Thursday, all of which was on the history book. Here’s how…

0 392  2 Comments on In a quandary
Posted in writer at work

In a quandary

It was all going so well … With us “breaking up” for the Easter period and me submitting the history book late Thursday night, I was all set to crack…

0 318  2 Comments on A new office
Posted in writer at work

A new office

So I have a desk in the dining room overlooking the bird table in the garden. The desk is of a very dark oak and it goes very well with…

0 449  2 Comments on The end is nigh
Posted in writer at work

The end is nigh

… well, I say the end is nigh when really what I mean is the end of the writing part is nigh. For the past two weeks I’ve been in the…

0 251
Posted in writer at work

Round-up & to-do list

Last week I had a proper ol’ blitzing of the work in progress. Here’s how I did: stitch everything together for the Cadbury book On Monday I added 2,728 words…

0 299
Posted in Publication

Coming soon!

0 297
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: The Author Blog

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 34. The Author Blog: Easy Blogging for Busy Authors is by Anne R…

0 277
Posted in writer at work

Diary of a non-fiction book: an update

The last time the diary of a non-fiction book appeared was at the end of October 2017. I was about to embark on NaNoWriMo 2017 and the history book was…

0 862
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write Pulp Fiction

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 33. How to Write Pulp Fiction by James Scott Bell is probably…

0 407  2 Comments on Round-up & to-do list
Posted in writer at work

Round-up & to-do list

I had a much better week last week. I knuckled down, kept track of where I was and how much I’d done, and just got on with things . Here’s…

0 261
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: Blockbuster

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 32. I thought it was going to be another of those make-a-fortune-using-my-tried-and-tested-method…

0 289
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write a Novel the Easy Way

I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the course of a year. Here is book 31. I first bought* How to Write a Novel the…

0 319  2 Comments on 52 books in 52 weeks: The Emotion Thesaurus
Posted in 52 books in 52 weeks

52 books in 52 weeks: The Emotion Thesaurus

I’ve got myself a little behind on this. I’ve been reading the books, I’ve just not found the time to write them up. In a bid to catch up, here…

0 444  2 Comments on The 102 pot
Posted in writer at work

The 10% pot

Many writers I know are very sensible about looking after their money. They do their taxes throughout the year, so they’re ready to go at tax time, and they save…

0 398  2 Comments on Round-up & to-do list
Posted in writer at work

Round-up & to-do list

Last week I “came back to work” struggling to get motivated. I had a HUGE to-do list that consisted of at least nine things I needed to be doing.  I…

0 748  9 Comments on The income octopus
Posted in writer at work

The income octopus

Brendan van Son is a travel journalist-turned-photographer/digital nomad. He’s also one of the poet’s favourite vloggers. AND he’s one I’ll watch too. One of the things we like about him…

0 413  3 Comments on Time-suckers
Posted in writer at work


Yesterday I looked at all of the jobs I currently have to do or would like to do. Today I’m going to consider some of the things that get in…

0 657  4 Comments on Struggling to get motivated (list alert)
Posted in writer at work

Struggling to get motivated (list alert)

I’ll be honest. I’ve been struggling to get motivated to do my own writing. All was very well to the end of November, when I completed NaNoWriMo 2017. But December…

0 314
Posted in News

New project ahead

We’ve been a bit busy in Baggins Bottom since the year began, and we’ve decided to start a new adventure on a new Facebook page with a new Twitter account…

0 347  1 Comment on Working with a timer
Posted in writer at work

Working with a timer

When I’m really, really busy and start to feel overwhelmed with the amount of work I have yet to do, I resort to the Pomodoro Tomato technique. In fact, I…

0 430  6 Comments on … and breathe …
Posted in writer at work

… and breathe …

Last night I finished a job that has been hanging around since before Christmas. It was billed as a “heavy proofreading” job, but it turned out to need a LOT…