52 books in 52 weeks: Start Writing Your Book Today
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 21. Start Writing Your book Today by Morgan Gist MacDonald is one…
52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write a Mystery Without Plotting it to Death
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 20. I’m a plotter. When starting to write a book for the…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 3 – day 1
Week three is still very much about research for me at the moment. I’m on chapter 3 of the research material and I’ve searched for and chosen my usual five…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 2 – day 2
Wednesday was a very long and tiring but certainly worthwhile day. I set off at about 8:45am and got to my parents’ in good time to drop the dog off…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 2 – day 1
I’ve not been taking additional days off. I’ve been doing normal work stuff. It still needs doing, even when I have a book to write. Today it was back to…
Normal work continues
Friday disappeared into the ether and I think I may have faffed a little. I know I did some reading for the non-fiction book as well as some regular research…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 1 – day 4
Yesterday’s work session began with me updating the raw text version of this Diary of …that will be coming out after it’s all over. I added yesterday morning’s post, and formatted…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 1 – day 3
By Wednesday I started to get into the swing of things and was beginning to feel like a proper writer again, writing for a living and all that. I was…
52 books in 52 weeks: Writing your non-fiction book
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 19. Alex Gazzola is already very well-known by many of us writers…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 1 – day 2
Tuesday was a much better, more productive day. I finished my chores thirty minutes earlier than usual, so was able to do some catch-up work from Monday. The first thing…
Publication: the People’s Friend annual 2018
I’m delighted to report that I have a short story in this 2018 annual from The People’s Friend, out now. This is the first short story I ever sold to…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 1 – day 1
The day didn’t get off to a great start. I’ve been fighting a cold and a “bit of a throat” for a couple of weeks and at the end of…
Diary of a non-fiction book: week 1 – the story so far
A few weeks ago (on or around 12 June in fact, so it was longer ago than I thought), I was editing a book for lovely-already-boss and one chapter in…
A week of ups and downs
It’s been a week of ups and downs this week, and a very busy one as a result. But there’s some good news in here too. Some very good news….
I found my writing mojo
This time last week I was feeling a bit annoyed with myself. I’d not done any proper work for a few weeks. So I pulled up my socks and gave…
52 books in 52 weeks: The Literary Agent’s Guide to Writing a Non-Fiction Book Proposal
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 18. The Literary Agent’s Guide to Writing a Non-Fiction Book Proposal by…
52 books in 52 weeks: Blogging just for Writers
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 17. When I started blogging, the only people who I knew that…
July throwaways
At the start of the week I did my usual think/query/write submit and I chose three topics to write articles on and three topics to write short stories around. Here…
Getting organised: Trello
Yesterday I realised I’d not done any writing in almost two weeks – not ANY writing at all … … well, I lied. I *did* actually write the structure for…
My work output just lately has been absolutely atrocious. I just this second updated my word-count spreadsheet for July, and I had to spend some time first putting in a…
Having a splurge
I seem to be having a mid-week writing splurge – and long may it last. I’ve been very busy editing a heavy book, but I finished it and sent the…
52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write a Book from Outline to Finish Line
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 16. I bought How to Write a Book From Outline to Finish…
Once again I have been very busy and I’ve neglected both of my blogs. I’m waaaay behind on my 52 books in 52 weeks, but I *am* still reading them,…
52 books in 52 weeks: Writing Crime Fiction
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 15. The first thing Writing Crime Fiction by Rosemary Rowe advises you to…
52 books in 52 weeks: How to Write Short Romance Kindle Books
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 14. How to Write Short Romance Kindle Books by Nina Harrington, claims to…
Short story news: Shaking the Tree
Once upon a time, a long time ago, I wrote a short story based on the great storm that lashed the British Isles in 1987. That story, The Spirit of the…
52 books in 52 weeks: Liz Fielding’s Little Book of Writing Romance
I’ve been a bit busy in recent weeks, mostly catching up on my self-imposed publishing schedule, so I’m a little behind in this. However, I didn’t forget, so … I…
Twee Tales Too on Kindle, 2 new covers and even MORE news
I did say I’ve been busy … I’m delighted to say that Twee Tales Too is the latest to become available on Kindle. You can buy it here for just £1.99. I’ve also…
Baggins Bottom Best Bits book 3
In recent days and weeks I’ve been busy publishing books – in paperback and on Kindle. The idea is to get all of my back-catalogue available as books by Diane Wordsworth….
I’ve been busy …
Aside from being very busy publishing books (more on this later), I’ve also been messin’ with the website. I was in two minds whether or not to keep it as…
52 books in 52 weeks: Bird by Bird
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 12. What can I say about Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott? I’ve seen this…
52 books in 52 weeks: Just Write That Book Already
I set myself the goal of reading and reviewing 52 writing guides over the year. Here is book 11. Just Write That Book Already: learn how to avoid distractions, create…
Two more books available
I’ve not been idle this past week, in fact I’ve been very busy republishing and re-branding two old ones. Tales from Baggins Bottom: best bits books 1 & 2 were…