Tag: 12 stories in 12 months
Wednesday 7 August 2024: A week away
On the Friday we broke up for our week away, I ended up stopping work 2 hours earlier than planned because campsite #1 called and asked us to make sure…
Friday 19 July 2024: Free image Friday
Today’s free image was so cheerful and energetic, I just had to use it. I love yellow. The poet was up bright and early to head back to the midlands….
Thursday 18 July 2024: Announcement!
I had a bit of a slow, lazy start to the day yesterday. The temperature finally reached something close to ‘normal’ for summer and I thought it was too hot…
Wednesday 17 July 2024: Soapbox alert
We had a good evening, the dog and I. We didn’t go for another walk as we played ball instead in the garden. For hours. He got lots of sticky…
Monday 15 July 2024: A dog for the week
We were up very early on Friday because I had a very early (to us!) review appointment at the hospital. We got there on time and by the time the…
Thursday 11 July 2024: Early mornings ahead
From today, we have a week-and-a-half of early starts. Today one of the cars has to go in for MOT and service. Tomorrow, we’re at the hospital. We have a…
Wednesday 3 July 2024: Productive day
After a bit of a rough night, we were up relatively early to take the poet to the dentist. He was full of cold (hence the rough night) and secretly…
Friday 28 June 2024: Executive decision
I was at my desk fairly early on Thursday morning as I had a dentist appointment in the middle of the day, for which I had to factor in travel…
Thursday 20 June 2024: More writing!
After a late night on Sunday submitting the cosy mystery for the anthology, Monday started later than usual. Over breakfast, though, I dealt with emails, one of which had come…
Monday 17 June 2024: Seem to be getting there
Friday morning began with the client edit pdf proof landing. This has also gone to the author and to a proofreader. Once we’ve all had a look, I’ll consolidate the…
Friday 14 June 2024: Re-subscribe
Before reading any further, if you’re a subscriber to the blog (not the newsletter) and you’re not receiving your email notifications, I think you need to subscribe again. You can…
Thursday 13 June 2024: Starting a routine
Having identified no fixed routine as a possible problem when doing my work (or not doing it, as the case too often turns out), I started to make a plan….
Monday 10 June 2024: Playing with covers… (again)
While we were on holiday, I received an email every day from Jetpack telling me that my site was unresponsive. Usually less than an hour later, I had another email…
Thursday 23 May 2024: The bells
I had a much better night on Tuesday. I left all of the inside doors open in the house and kept a window open in the bedroom, so I could…
Wednesday 22 May 2024: Magpies are clever
I’m not used to being in the house on my own yet and during the night on Monday/Tuesday, I woke up at about 3:30am thinking I could hear noises. I…
Tuesday 21 May 2024: Busy weekend
Gosh what a busy weekend we had. Saturday We were up early on Saturday because we had a lot to do, and while the poet was getting something out of…
Tuesday 14 May 2024: The days are getting busy
The weekend was very full and busy, starting with a packed Saturday. We started with a visit to the mother-in-law to pick up something for Son #2 who’d had an…
Monday 13 May 2024: Another dental appointment!
First job Friday was rejigging the schedule over the next few weeks. I had to move a lot of things down the calendar that I didn’t get around to over…
Thursday 25 April 2024: Getting ready to go camping
I put a chicken in the oven for tea on Tuesday night, but I didn’t really like the smell of it. I let it cook for about 30 minutes, to…

Wednesday 24 April 2024: The Undercover Project has begun
The first job on Tuesday morning was to feed the dog, give him his medication, and feed the birds. The birds have been making a bit of a mess, recently….
Thursday 18 April 2024: And we’re off!
There comes a time when one has to step away from the systems, the processes, the planning, and just start work. And that’s what I started to do yesterday. First…
Wednesday 17 April 2024: Stories galore
Tuesday continued on from Monday in that I carried on doing short story planning work. I couldn’t get the dates to work out, though, and spent a lot of time…
Tuesday 9 April 2024: Getting back in the swing
I finished yesterday’s blog post yesterday and before I did anything else, I went out to feed the birds. We have a blackbird who comes and stands on the fence,…
Friday 22 March 2024: At the dentist 
Stunning view of the historic pier of Puerto Natales, Chile, on the Seoret Channel, at sunrise on a summer day with the sky covered in gray and pink clouds –…
Tuesday 19 March 2024: Busy weekend
Because I didn’t finish all of my work on Friday, I already knew I’d be working at the weekend. Saturday First thing Saturday we also had to take the dog…
Friday 23 February 2024: Things picking up again
It started to rain during the night on Wednesday. I remember waking up and registering it and then going straight back to sleep. Instead of lying there listening to it!…
Thursday 8 February 2024: Snow!
The snow was forecast for noon today. It was supposed to be wet snow, and it wasn’t likely to stick. At 7:30am, the rain started, right on schedule. By 8:30am,…
Friday 9 January 2024: Friday already?
Wow. Friday again. That came around quick… We both slept really well on Wednesday night resulting in us both getting up on time. I did get up with the poet…
Thursday 18 January 2024: Getting on with it
We had a lovely meal on Tuesday night to celebrate the mother-in-law’s birthday. She was delighted to have her son, all of her grandchildren, and their partners and families together…
Monday 13 January 2024: Did I write a sci-fi story?
I did start writing the first sci-fi mystery story on Friday, but I didn’t make a note of how many words I wrote. I wrote them straight into Scrivener, and…
Thursday 11 January 2024: Technical woes – again
The prompt, wordcount and deadline for 12 STORIES IN 12 MONTHS were all announced/confirmed first thing in the morning, so the first job I did was go to my TickTick…
Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing
Tuesday began with me starting to type up THE SECRET OF WHITEHORSE FARM. The idea is to write in longhand one day, type it up the next day during the…
Thursday 4 January 2024: A new regime
While the new regime wasn’t supposed to start until Tuesday, I did actually do some work on Monday too. We’d already spent some time rearranging the office, and on Monday…