Tag: advanced depth workshop

0 210  2 Comments on Friday 11 July 2024: I’m writing words!
Posted in writer at work

Friday 11 July 2024: I’m writing words!

We were up with the lark, or our lark at least, and off to the garage with the poet’s car. It was going in for its first MOT, a health…

1 210  2 Comments on Tuesday 9 July 2024: All’s well in the world…
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 9 July 2024: All’s well in the world…

(Well, almost) (I mean, aside from wars and famine) (and poverty…) (edited to add: and also possibly Probate…but don’t hold your breath) The past few days I’ve woken up in…

0 221  4 Comments on Monday 8 July 2024: Good result
Posted in writer at work

Monday 8 July 2024: Good result

After a late night on Thursday watching the election results as they started to unfold, we had a relatively early start on Friday morning. We woke to find that the…