Tag: Draft2Digital
Monday 10 February 2025: Publication day!
It’s publication day today for my VERY SHORT STORY Happy Valentine, Flash Fiction #12. This is a story I wrote a long time ago and it appeared in Flash Fiction…
Thursday 5 December 2024: Catching up…
The bright-eyed and bushy-tailed may have noticed that the blog is running a bit behind at the moment, about half a day behind. This is because I’ve been writing it…
Monday 25 November 2024: Publication day!
I was busy on Friday trying to catch up with everything. I wrote Friday’s blog, chose the picture, published it, then shared it. I did a quick 5-minute tech declutter….

Wednesday 18 September 2024: Tidying my Scrivener binders
Today’s image was a free image from DepositPhotos. I liked it, even if I don’t know what’s in the glass… We both woke up with aches and pains everywhere yesterday….
Wednesday 11 September 2024: WORDS WORTH READING Issue One out now!
It’s been a while since I made any promotional material. I forgot to do this for Monday’s post, forgot it yesterday, but remembered it today…(Well, I remembered it yesterday really,…
Friday 14 June 2024: Re-subscribe
Before reading any further, if you’re a subscriber to the blog (not the newsletter) and you’re not receiving your email notifications, I think you need to subscribe again. You can…
Friday 5 January 2024: Running smoothly
Wednesday I didn’t get up on time on Wednesday thanks to the dog waking me up at 4:30am and me failing to get back to sleep until 10 minutes after…
Friday 6 October 2023: The weekend already…
So the weekend has crept up on me again and I’ve hardly done any of the things I hoped to do this week. I did manage to compose and send…
Monday 18 September 2023: Learning a new skill
Thursday and Friday last week were both spent learning. I learned how to create a magazine pdf in Affinity and while I still have a lot to do before the…
Publication Day!
The Last Chick Fledges, a Wordsworth Flash Fiction, is published today! This very short story is one I wrote for an assignment. I won’t say what the assignment was as…
Publishing Challenge! Mid-term update
Back in October 2021, I set myself a challenge to publish a book a week for a year. This could be a short story, a collection of short stories, a…
Publishing Challenge! Chapter 13
Chapter 13 Publication Day! Today sees the publication of another Wordsworth Collection. Flash Fiction 2: Another Five Very Short Stories is exactly what it says it is. The book consists…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 25 Mar
Chapter 13: Week commencing Friday 25 March Friday For all of Friday I was editing. Hard-copy editing for the Yorkshire editing/proofreading/writing client. There was nothing else on my planner. Just…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 11 Mar
Chapter 11: Week commencing Friday 11 March Friday Well, would you look at that! Chapter 11 starts on 11 March. (It’s the little things…) Friday dawned bright and sunny and…
Publishing Challenge! Chapter 7
See Chapter 6 here Chapter 7 Publication Day! Today sees the publication of another Wordsworth Collection. Twee Tales More is all three of the original Twee Tales short story collections…
Publishing Challenge! Chapter 6
See Chapter 5 here Chapter 6 Publication Day! Today sees the publication of another Wordsworth Short. Alexandra’s Ragtag Band is a fun story I really enjoyed writing. I started with…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 4 Feb
Chapter 6: Week commencing Friday 4 February Friday February already, and not even the 1st of February but the 4th. Already this year is flying by. I had a lot…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 28 Jan
Chapter 5: Week commencing Friday 28 January Friday Friday last week was another ghostwriting day. I did the revisions for GW2 and I had a look at GW1. I didn’t…
Publishing Challenge! Chapter 5
See Chapter 4 here Chapter 5 Publication Day! Today sees the publication of another Wordsworth Short. Martha’s Favourite Doll is a short story that one fiction editor asked me to…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 21 Jan
Chapter 4: Week commencing Friday 21 January Friday On Friday I had wall to wall ghostwriting booked in. I was busy doing other stuff as well, though, such as making…
Diary of a Tiger: w/c Fri 14 Jan
Chapter 3: Week commencing Friday 14 January Friday After a bit of hit and miss, I was back on track again by Friday. I did my typing practice first, and…
A surprisingly productive day
(Image by suju-foto from Pixabay) On Monday when I nipped out to get some essentials, I also picked up some sunflowers to cheer the house up. They’re currently bringing a welcome splash of…
Down a dark hole
(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay) (I love this artist’s work!) Not a rabbit hole this time, but it does feel as though the week has vanished down a dark…
Publishing paperbacks continues
Image by Piotr Wytrążek from Pixabay Thursday After two late nights on the trot, I had a lie-in on Thursday. But even when I got to my desk, I still…
Faffing with shiny, sparkly things again
Because it’s not as if I’m busy… When you go onto my author page at Amazon, it defaults to ‘sort by popularity’. There, at the top, are the last three…
New diary this week!
I started Monday off with some study time. I’ve downloaded 6 free courses from Reedsy that each consists of 10 x 5-minute ‘lessons’. So six of them equal 30 minutes…
Paperbacks underway
I’m delighted to say that the paperback versions of all of my self-published books are now underway. I’ve been umming and ahhing a lot just lately about whether to put…
Project reboot
So, after my little tantrum yesterday, Amazon have now accepted Diary of a Scaredy Cat. Draft2Digital did their thang, and they got it through. At the time of writing, they’re still…
Twee Tales Twee now available! (and a bit of a rant …)
At the end of last week, I decided to gradually move all of my ebooks over to Amazon. However, before I could do that, I had to make sure that…
Moving back to KDP – for now
As we inch ever-closer to the 1,000 followers mark, so too do we get closer to the competition to win a bumper pack of all of my published paperbacks, including…
Tuesday 12 November 2019 (list alert!)
I had a busy week last week removing most of my self-published books – ebooks and paperbacks – from Amazon KDP. I’m setting up a proper publishing schedule and re-releasing…
Repackaged, rebranded and republished …
… and removed from Amazon KDP. Only the ebook is available at the moment – or it will be once it’s been through the process. The paperback will follow, and…
Week 1 didn’t go well
I started the year with great plans to catch up with the backlog and crack on with new stuff. (Wow, I got a dropped capital.) (Hmm, not sure if I…