Tag: ghostwriting

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Posted in writer at work

Writing rules

(Image created on Canva) Another thing I faffed at over the weekend was creating images on Canva to make wallpapers and Instagram posts. (You can follow me on Instagram too,…

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Posted in writer at work

A lovely week off

(Image: The poet shooting High Force waterfall in Teesdale © Diane Wordsworth) Holiday! It was a bit of a mad rush in the end, but I submitted the last of…

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Posted in writer at work

Don’t want to

I’m a bit demob happy this week, as we break up for a week’s holiday on Friday (first holiday in more than two years!). I’ve also been feeling a bit…

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Posted in writer at work

Mondays are always good…

Monday’s are always good… but then everything usually goes downhill from there! Monday 23 August 2021 Considering I didn’t stop work all weekend and I finished very late on Saturday…

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Posted in writer at work

I need to be more prolific

(Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay) Friday 20 August 2021 Friday was one of those busy days where you don’t stop all day but by the end of it you don’t know…

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Posted in writer at work

Down a dark hole

(Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay) (I love this artist’s work!) Not a rabbit hole this time, but it does feel as though the week has vanished down a dark…

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Posted in writer at work

Writing marathons are not good

(Image by cocoparisienne from Pixabay) Tuesday 10 August 2021 The day did not start as late as I thought it would, but it did start later than I would like….

0 462  8 Comments on Writing short stories, again
Posted in writer at work

Writing short stories, again

(Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay) Monday 9 August 2021 I didn’t start with handwriting on Monday morning after all. I saw some news about a flash fiction writing competition that…

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Posted in writer at work

Rainy weekend

(Image by Pexels from Pixabay) On Friday the rain came (again), and along with it a few thunderstorms. So some of my time was spent watching either the storm through…

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Posted in writer at work

Organised at last

(Asana screenshot in calendar view) This week I needed to concentrate on catching up with the ghostwriting work. Right after having one writing marathon and submitting it, I was straight…

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Posted in writer at work

Project Management for Writers: Gate 1 is DONE! 🥳

(Scrivener screenshot) Thursday Instead of making handwriting the first job of the day on Thursday, I wrote a call-to-action blog post for Project Management for Writers: Gate 1. This was…

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Posted in writer at work

A lazy day

(Image by Eveline de Bruin from Pixabay) Tuesday I had a lovely long lie-in on Tuesday following my latest writing marathon. When the dog woke me up at 8am to…

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Posted in writer at work

Burning the midnight oil (again)

Image by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay Monday So, on Monday, I made it to my desk by 10am! (Yay!) I’d already checked social media before…

0 424  1 Comment on Glimmer/glow spreadsheet
Posted in writer at work

Glimmer/glow spreadsheet

Friday Very late on Thursday night, my short story New Year’s Revolution was published in Illumination on Medium. When the postie called at about 11am, she brought me a competition…

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Posted in writer at work

Today will be a long day

Image by Monoar Rahman Rony from Pixabay Thursday I was still eating breakfast on Thursday morning when a text notified me that the plumber would be with us in 20…

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Posted in writer at work

Pomodoro time again

Image by harshal07 from Pixabay It’s another long-un, folks. Either save it for later or go get that coffee now! Tuesday At precisely 8:26 on Tuesday morning, the cat jumped…

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Posted in writer at work


Image by dexmac from Pixabay Monday I had a very late start on Monday and for the umpteenth time I vowed to take the next day after a ghostwriting marathon…

0 293  2 Comments on Festival weekend
Posted in writer at work

Festival weekend

Photo by Wendy Wei from Pexels Friday Despite being a bit behind on the ghostwriting, I still did my own stuff on Friday morning. I wrote a blog post for here, I posted…

0 431  4 Comments on Working weekend ahead
Posted in writer at work

Working weekend ahead

So I’m not doing brilliantly, but at least I’m doing. In other words, I’m not sat navel-gazing or twiddling my thumbs. Tuesday seems such a long time ago, I can…

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Posted in writer at work

Welcome to new followers

Image by R. E. Beck from Pixabay First of all, a very warm welcome to Words Worth Writing to all of the recent new followers. Since we limped over the 1,000…

0 302  1 Comment on Publishing paperbacks continues
Posted in writer at work

Publishing paperbacks continues

Image by Piotr Wytrążek from Pixabay Thursday After two late nights on the trot, I had a lie-in on Thursday. But even when I got to my desk, I still…

0 399  2 Comments on Coffee-time read
Posted in writer at work

Coffee-time read

Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay This is a long one, so grab a coffee and make yourself comfy. Tuesday Tuesday dawned very slowly on my computer. It struggled to open everything: the…

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Posted in writer at work

I worked on Sunday after all

Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay This post just keeps on posting itself, regardless of when I schedule it to post. This time, if it happens again, I’m leaving it…

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Posted in plan for the month

Plan for July

July is going to be very busy as I’m writing two Regency romances for the ghostwriting client at the same time. Whilst that means that I need to write at least…

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Posted in writer at work

I published another paperback!

It took the best part of a week, but with the help of the support team at Draft2Digital, I finally published the second paperback in the Twee Tales series. Twee Tales…

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Posted in writer at work

Faffing with shiny, sparkly things again

Because it’s not as if I’m busy… When you go onto my author page at Amazon, it defaults to  ‘sort by popularity’. There, at the top, are the last three…

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Posted in writer at work

New diary this week!

I started Monday off with some study time. I’ve downloaded 6 free courses from Reedsy that each consists of 10 x 5-minute ‘lessons’. So six of them equal 30 minutes…

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Posted in writer at work

Paperback publishing stalled…

… and it’s not because of me. Once I’d done a load of household chores, I arrived at my desk at 10:05am on Friday. When I’m supposed to be there…

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Posted in writer at work

Bit of a surprise

Image by LukasBasel from Pixabay Monday evening finished on a bit of a surprise when the ghostwriting client sent an email asking two things: Could we make the new story…

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Posted in writer at work

A productive Monday

Monday was a good and productive day. Mondays usually are my best days for work output… then it’s all downhill from there! Before I even got up I received a…

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Posted in writer at work

Last week & this week

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay I forgot to mention in Friday’s post that the two publications I applied to join as a contributor both came back with acceptances. I’m really…

0 397  2 Comments on 1,000 followers!
Posted in writer at work


Whoo-hoo! While I was working away during the week, I didn’t notice that we’d limped over the 1,000 followers line. Wahay! Well done to everyone who shared, and a very…

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Posted in writer at work

Burning the midnight oil

Image by Bessi from Pixabay Tuesday After my mammoth writing session on Monday, the plan was to take it easy on Tuesday. I’d finished working at about 3:30am and I…