Tag: Kindle Unlimited

Posted in writer at work
Friday 9 August 2024: It’s NOT piracy – it’s deliberate 
9 August 2024
After we got back from our tea the poet had some work to do, so while he did that I started to brainstorm my story for 12 STORIES IN 12…
Friday 6 October 2023: The weekend already…
6 October 2023
So the weekend has crept up on me again and I’ve hardly done any of the things I hoped to do this week. I did manage to compose and send…
Working weekend ahead
16 July 2021
So I’m not doing brilliantly, but at least I’m doing. In other words, I’m not sat navel-gazing or twiddling my thumbs. Tuesday seems such a long time ago, I can…
Faffing with shiny, sparkly things again
1 July 2021
Because it’s not as if I’m busy… When you go onto my author page at Amazon, it defaults to ‘sort by popularity’. There, at the top, are the last three…
A productive Monday
22 June 2021
Monday was a good and productive day. Mondays usually are my best days for work output… then it’s all downhill from there! Before I even got up I received a…