Tag: Lulu

0 431  2 Comments on Monday 18 September 2023: Learning a new skill
Posted in writer at work

Monday 18 September 2023: Learning a new skill

Thursday and Friday last week were both spent learning. I learned how to create a magazine pdf in Affinity and while I still have a lot to do before the…

0 409
Posted in writer at work

Paperbacks underway

I’m delighted to say that the paperback versions of all of my self-published books are now underway. I’ve been umming and ahhing a lot just lately about whether to put…

0 329  1 Comment on Moving back to KDP – for now
Posted in writer at work

Moving back to KDP – for now

As we inch ever-closer to the 1,000 followers mark, so too do we get closer to the competition to win a bumper pack of all of my published paperbacks, including…

0 359  2 Comments on Tuesday 12 November 2019 (list alert!)
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 12 November 2019 (list alert!)

I had a busy week last week removing most of my self-published books – ebooks and paperbacks – from Amazon KDP. I’m setting up a proper publishing schedule and re-releasing…

0 385  4 Comments on Temporary change of plan
Posted in writer at work

Temporary change of plan

Due to the changes at Amazon CreateSpace and Kindle Direct Publishing, my plans have changed slightly for the next few days. Well, they’ve changed completely. I don’t think KDP is…

0 333  2 Comments on News: new platform for digital editions
Posted in News

News: new platform for digital editions

I have a new platform for my digital editions. At the moment, only Diary of a Scaredy Cat has been migrated over. But eventually, all of my ebooks in various…

0 522  4 Comments on Two books now available on Kindle
Posted in writer at work

Two books now available on Kindle

I’m delighted to announce that not one but TWO of my re-branded, re-packaged and re-published books are now available in the Kindle store on Amazon. This is one (or two!)…