Tag: Medium
Coffee-time read
Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay This is a long one, so grab a coffee and make yourself comfy. Tuesday Tuesday dawned very slowly on my computer. It struggled to open everything: the…
I worked on Sunday after all
Image by Paul Brennan from Pixabay This post just keeps on posting itself, regardless of when I schedule it to post. This time, if it happens again, I’m leaving it…
Plan for July
July is going to be very busy as I’m writing two Regency romances for the ghostwriting client at the same time. Whilst that means that I need to write at least…
I published another paperback!
It took the best part of a week, but with the help of the support team at Draft2Digital, I finally published the second paperback in the Twee Tales series. Twee Tales…
Faffing with shiny, sparkly things again
Because it’s not as if I’m busy… When you go onto my author page at Amazon, it defaults to ‘sort by popularity’. There, at the top, are the last three…
New diary this week!
I started Monday off with some study time. I’ve downloaded 6 free courses from Reedsy that each consists of 10 x 5-minute ‘lessons’. So six of them equal 30 minutes…
Paperback publishing stalled…
… and it’s not because of me. Once I’d done a load of household chores, I arrived at my desk at 10:05am on Friday. When I’m supposed to be there…
At last! I published a paperback!
I’ve been sharing friend links to Facebook for the Night Crawler chapters on Medium religiously as I’ve been publishing them. But on Tuesday night, when I sent a friend link for…
Bit of a surprise
Image by LukasBasel from Pixabay Monday evening finished on a bit of a surprise when the ghostwriting client sent an email asking two things: Could we make the new story…
A productive Monday
Monday was a good and productive day. Mondays usually are my best days for work output… then it’s all downhill from there! Before I even got up I received a…
Last week & this week
Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay I forgot to mention in Friday’s post that the two publications I applied to join as a contributor both came back with acceptances. I’m really…
Whoo-hoo! While I was working away during the week, I didn’t notice that we’d limped over the 1,000 followers line. Wahay! Well done to everyone who shared, and a very…
Burning the midnight oil
Image by Bessi from Pixabay Tuesday After my mammoth writing session on Monday, the plan was to take it easy on Tuesday. I’d finished working at about 3:30am and I…
Weekend working again
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay Despite still being busy, I finished work at 5pm on Friday. I already knew I’d be working at the weekend, and we needed to…
Image by Pexels from Pixabay It occurred to me, after I posted Friday’s post, that I’d summed up the week without actually completing the week. I still had a whole…
Best laid plans of mice and men
Image by Please Don’t sell My Artwork AS IS from Pixabay I had such plans to plough through the work before the poet got home from his work trip. And…
Getting better
Image by Prawny from Pixabay I might not be clearing stuff off my to-do list in the order I’m supposed to, but I am keeping busy rather than faffing. Or…
Must focus
Image by Hier und jetzt endet leider meine Reise auf Pixabay aber from Pixabay With such a long to-do list I really ought to try and focus more. My self-discipline…
Pumping up the busy
Image by David Bruyland from Pixabay Phew! This one’s a long read. I’d go and get a coffee if I were you… I’m back at work today, after a week’s…