Tag: planning
Wednesday 26 February 2025: Happy Birthday, Hubster!
I experimented a bit with the cherry crumble topping on Monday night. The poet had already stoned and washed the cherries and I put them on to stew a little…
Wednesday 22 January 2025: A good, solid day
I managed to get up before the alarm on Tuesday, which was a great start. But I wanted to finish reading a book for review. It’s a re-read because the…
Wednesday 8 January 2025: Plan to faff
I really should know by now not to plan things too tightly. Or at least I should plan to faff as well. Maybe that way I’ll get more done. Yesterday…
Tuesday 7 January 2025: A good start
I packed a lot into the last 2 days of the week last week, and I packed a bit into the weekend as well. Saturday I was determined to have…
Monday 6 January 2025: Publication Day!
So, I’m officially back from my annual Christmas holiday. We had a lovely break. I hope you had a great time too. Thursday and Friday of last week were gentle,…
Thursday 19 December 2024: Planning research complete
I’ve been down a research hole for pretty much the entire week looking for resources to help me with my planning and project management in the coming year. I’m delighted…
Tuesday 17 December 2024: Soap box alert!
We were away last week for a few days, down south in Faversham, which is only a few miles away from the south coast. We drove down on Tuesday, the…
Tuesday 22 October 2024: Lots of planning work
First job on Monday was Monday’s blog post. I’d started it on Friday and intended to complete it over the weekend as I worked. As I didn’t work at the…
Monday 21 October 2024: Leisurely weekend
I forgot to mention in Friday’s post that on Wednesday the money I was owed by Vocal landed in my bank account. On Thursday morning, another job I did from…
Friday 18 October 2024: Home again!
I was a day behind all week on my blog posts, so when the poet finished his work on Wednesday and we decided to head home on Thursday, I didn’t…

Thursday 5 September 2024: Tired just looking at it all
September work proper finally got underway yesterday. But still I had to rejig things around so that I don’t fall too far behind. I’ve had to step away from the…
Thursday 13 June 2024: Starting a routine
Having identified no fixed routine as a possible problem when doing my work (or not doing it, as the case too often turns out), I started to make a plan….
Wednesday 17 April 2024: Stories galore
Tuesday continued on from Monday in that I carried on doing short story planning work. I couldn’t get the dates to work out, though, and spent a lot of time…
Wednesday 20 December 2023: Planning
I didn’t quite stop work on Monday night at the end of the working day. Instead, I took two notebooks into the living room and jotted a few things down…
Friday 1 December 2023: The month ahead
Well, this is a long one. I’d make a drink and pull up a chair if I were you… The dog waited until about 6:30am to wake me up yesterday,…
Camp NaNo April 2023: Prep work 3
First thing Friday morning I had my new-patient appointment at our new doctors. So I took some letters to the letterbox and was early for my appointment. This is the…
Camp NaNo April 2023: Prep work 2
As each day passes I’m getting to my desk closer and closer to that magical ten o’clock… I just haven’t made it there yet. First job of the day was…
Camp NaNo April 2023: Prep work 1
It was still morning when I arrived at my desk yesterday and the first thing I did was pick up the workbook I’d deliberately left there the night before and…
That time of year – planning!
Today is 1 December, which means for me it’s the time of year for planning ahead. And I have a lot of planning to do for next year if I…
I’m going to be busy
I’ve had a busy couple of weeks, mostly doing one of two things: Planning Ghostwriting I break up for Christmas on 16 December. Before then I had 40,000 words to…
New year, new blog series (plural)
I’m already planning ahead to the new year, mostly because I have to do some planning in order to keep on top of everything. And now is the time I’m…
Planning and writing
(Image by webvilla from Pixabay) I lost half a day on Monday, when it should have been my first day back, due to taking the dog to the vet. It knocked me off…
Planning ahead
Thursday 26 August 2021 I had a lot to do on Thursday, so I was happy when I made it to my desk at a reasonable time again. I started…
Plan for June 2021 (Mahoosive list alert!)
I’m a bit late to the June party. This is because I’m actually on holiday this week. I’ve been doing odds and sods as well, but we’ve also be taking…
Planning in Scrivener
I love using Scrivener. I think it’s an ace tool for all aspects of your writing, including if you decide to self-publish and/or produce book bundles. Once I have my…
Planning for 2021
As I’m up to date with client work, today I decided to start planning my own writing work for the new year. I use a 10-project planner spreadsheet. And while…