Tag: sci-fi mystery writing workshop

0 506  4 Comments on Thursday 18 January 2024: Getting on with it
Posted in writer at work

Thursday 18 January 2024: Getting on with it

We had a lovely meal on Tuesday night to celebrate the mother-in-law’s birthday. She was delighted to have her son, all of her grandchildren, and their partners and families together…

0 595  4 Comments on Wednesday 17 January 2024: I had to duck out!
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 17 January 2024: I had to duck out!

I stayed at my desk until about 7pm, to make sure I didn’t miss the videos for the sci-fi mystery writing workshop, but they didn’t land. Tea was already well…

0 558  4 Comments on Tuesday 16 January 2024: Meat-free Monday
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 16 January 2024: Meat-free Monday

The first job I did yesterday was yesterday’s blog post as I hadn’t done it last Friday, for some reason. I only managed 474 words, and it went towards yesterday’s…

0 582  6 Comments on Monday 13 January 2024: Did I write a sci-fi story?
Posted in writer at work

Monday 13 January 2024: Did I write a sci-fi story?

I did start writing the first sci-fi mystery story on Friday, but I didn’t make a note of how many words I wrote. I wrote them straight into Scrivener, and…

0 512  4 Comments on Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing
Posted in writer at work

Wednesday 10 January 2024: Writing, writing, writing

Tuesday began with me starting to type up THE SECRET OF WHITEHORSE FARM. The idea is to write in longhand one day, type it up the next day during the…

0 567  2 Comments on Tuesday 9 January 2024: The office is done
Posted in writer at work

Tuesday 9 January 2024: The office is done

The weekend So, what did we get up to at the weekend? We did quite a bit on Saturday. My delivery arrived on Friday of letter trays, jellies and expanding…