Tag: Scrivener for Windows

Monday 16 September 2024: Reading and writing and submitting
We had a lovely surprise on Friday when Son #2 brought Grand-doggy #1 to stay with us. He called the day before to make sure we’d remembered. I thought it…
One jab down …
Image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay … three to go. Yup, the poet had the first of his two vaccinations at the weekend. His booking had got lost in the ether,…
Scrivener 3
I mean, look at. What is there not to like? It’s sleek, it’s clean, it’s sharp, it does everything I’m used to doing a lot quicker and more easily. It’s…
More date work & Scrivener 3
Image by Myriams-Fotos from Pixabay The first job I did on Tuesday morning was yesterday’s writing prompts post. The second job I did was the first of this week’s date…
Planning in Scrivener
I love using Scrivener. I think it’s an ace tool for all aspects of your writing, including if you decide to self-publish and/or produce book bundles. Once I have my…